Have you set your mind to solve these fascinating general knowledge quiz games printable with answers free? From the simplest to the most complex human societies rely entirely on their shared and acquired knowledge to maintain their civilization. When a society’s knowledge isn’t up to the task of meeting fresh demands on its technological capabilities, it disintegrates. Enjoy general knowledge quiz games printable with answers free.
28th of June, 1980… Wichita Falls, Texas, saw its warmest day on record, with a high of 117 degrees. From June 24th to July 3rd, daily highs reached 110 degrees or higher. Explore general knowledge quiz games printable with answers free.
Tree crickets are known as the poor man’s thermometer because their rate of activity is exactly proportional to the temperature. Have fun with general knowledge quiz games printable with answers free Count how many chirps a cricket produces in 15 seconds, then multiply by 37. The total will be fairly similar to the temperature outside!
Dopamine, an endorphine, is the major chemical that affects our brain when we use Heroin and other painkillers. It is responsible for our brain’s reward system and is the main chemical that affects our brain when we use Heroin and other painkillers. Explore general knowledge quiz games printable with answers free. It is used medicinally in its synthetic form, Levo-Dopa, but it cannot be misused since it crosses the blood-brain barrier efficiently enough to generate a high.
American singer Lady Gaga is the eleventh top digital singles artist in the United States, according to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), with cumulative single certifications of 85.5 million digital downloads and on-demand streaming, and is the first woman to receive the RIAA’s Digital Diamond Award certification, one of three artists with at least two Diamond certified songs (“Bad Romance” and “Poker Face”). It’s time to test your level with general knowledge quiz games printable with answers free.
Books like Thomas Hughes’ Tom Brown’s School Days extolled the game’s benefits (1857). The resulting cult of manliness was centered on public schools and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, where young gentlemen were sent to learn how to be young gentlemen. Learn something new from general knowledge quiz games printable with answers free!
General Knowledge Quiz Games Printable with Answers Free
1. Abbeydorney is a beautiful town, located in which European country?
Republic of Ireland
2. In law, what describes an official act taken without a formal request from another party?
motu proprio/ sua sponte
3. Which zodiac has its translation ram?
4. What was the name of action taken by Benedict XV in 1914 that resulted in the First world war?
Ad beatissimi Apostolorum
5. In which year, the 1st supersonic airliner flown was the Russian TU-144?
6. In Astronomy, what is Carina?
A constellation
7. Who is a supporting antagonist in the Left Behind series?
Suhail Akbar
8. In 1989, which musical was closed at Marquis Theater NYC after 1420 performances?
“Me & My Girl”
9. The first fascist country was Italy, ruled by whom?
Benito Mussolini (Il Duce)
10. NY Jets win AFL championship in which year?
11. The American Hockey League is a minor professional ice hockey league in the United States and Canada. True or false?
12. In 1990, which country begins a military draft of 17-year-olds?
13. Which city park in New York City has an area of 2,772 acres (11.22 km2)?
Pelham Bay Park, Bronx
14. Who was Manius Acilius Glabrio?
Roman consul 67 BC
15. In 1969, Congo-Brazzaville becomes the People’s republic, under whom?
major Ngouabi
16. May Fourth Movement was held in which country?
Movimiento 19 de abril political movement was held in which country?
26th of July Movement was held in which country?
17. What was the full name of Mussolini, the fascist ruler in Italy?
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini
18. Zadie Smith wrote which fiction in 2005?
On Beauty
19. What was the name of the protest held in Georgia in 2003?
Rose Revolution
20. In 1970, which president nationalizes Chilean coal mines?
President Allende
21. What was the first-ever state-run courier (and transportation) service initiated in the first century?
Cursus publicus
22. In which year did, Sci-Fi Channel on cable TV begins transmitting?
23. The timeline of the grand princes of Hungarians started in which year?
24. What is Grossvatertanz in Germany?
25. In which year, Would have been starting the Aust/Eng Test Cricket at MCG, washed out?
26. Locronan village is located in which country?

27. Mani Dehimi is a rugby player from which country?
28. In which year, United Somali Congress seize Presidential Palace?
29. The domestication of the horse around which century allowed for the development of horse riding around 3700 BCE?
4800 BCE
30. In which year, KAID TV channel 4 in Boise, ID (PBS) begin broadcasting?
31. The Portuguese House of Burgundy is known as what?
Afonsine Dynasty
32. In 1991, CPN, Communist Party of which country, last day of existence?
33. In which session of the American Hockey League, the Buffalo Bisons ceased operations after 11 games?
34. In the early sixth century BC, who abolishes the debt slavery of Athenian citizens and frees all Athenian citizens who had formerly been enslaved?
Athenian lawgiver Solon
35. Lt Gen Robert E Cushman, Jr, USMC, ends term as deputy director of CIA in which year?
36. “Identifying your ball” term is associated with which sport?
37. In which year, More Swedes died than were born in 1997, 1st time since 1809?
38. What was the contribution of Koo Koo Kanga Roo – vocals?
A musical comedian
39. Thomas Pollock Anshutz, an American painter, listed in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. born in which year?
40. In 1971, Edmund Compton, then Northern Ireland Ombudsman, is replaced by whom?
John Benn
41. In Astronomy, what is Cassiopeia?
A constellation
42. Released on May 23, 2011, what was the name of American singer Lady Gaga’s solo studio album?
Born This Way
43. In which year, Microsoft buys Hotmail email service for $400 million and re-launches it as MSN Hotmail?
44. Who was the founder of the Rurik Dynasty in Russia?
45. In 1972, AFC Championship, held in which venue at Pittsburgh: Miami Dolphins beat Pittsburgh Steelers, 21-7?
Three Rivers Stadium
46. Contemplation (short story collection) is based on whose works?
Franz Kafka
47. The Open Championship is an annual golf competition established in which year?
48. In 1991, who was elected NY Yankee managing general partner?
Daniel R McCarthy
49. What is the fifth book of the Torah, where it is called Devarim, “the words of Moses”?
Book of Deuteronomy
50. In 1972, NFC Championship, RFK Stadium, Washington, D.C.: Washington Redskins beat which team by 26-3?
Dallas Cowboys
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