You must enjoy the easy history quiz questions and answers to general knowledge! The main distinction between the two is the time frame in which both eras took place: From 3300 BC to 600 AD, ancient history was studied. From the early 16th century until the present day, modern history was studied. Explore easy history quiz questions and answers general knowledge.
Have fun with easy history quiz questions and answers to general knowledge. That the Opium-producing poppy plant developed alongside humans to generate more of the most desired pain-killing alkaloids, Morphine and Codeine.
In the third Test against Australia in Melbourne in 1978, Indian cricket spin bowler B. S. Chandrasekhar became the only bowler in Test history to have identical stats in both innings (6 for 52). Explore easy history quiz questions and answers general knowledge.
In a 3-3 draw with the Rangers in New York in 1943, Max and Doug Bentley assisted on brother Reg’s first NHL goal; it was the only occasion in NHL history that a trio of family members scored and assisted on a scoring play. It’s time for easy history quiz questions and answers to general knowledge.
Nels Stewart of the Montreal Maroons scored the quickest two goals in NHL history in a 5-3 win over the Boston Bruins at Montreal Arena in 1931. Find below easy history quiz questions and answers to general knowledge.
In the year 1946, Governor Thomas E. Dewey reduces Charles “Lucky” Luciano’s pandering term in exchange for his wartime collaboration on the condition that he does not fight deportation to Italy. Share easy history quiz questions and answers to general knowledge.
American singer Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett collaborated on the album Cheek to Cheek, which debuted at number one in the United States and became Gaga’s third consecutive number one album. Joanne, her fifth album, was released in October of 2016. Ponder over easy history quiz questions and answer general knowledge. “Perfect Illusion,” the album’s first single, peaked at number one in France, while “Million Reasons,” the album’s second single, debuted at number four in the United States.
Easy History Quiz Questions And Answers General Knowledge
1. Who was termed as the “The Brave” in the Portuguese House of Burgundy?
Alphonso IV
2. In 1675, who granted permission to operate a private postal service in Bern, Switzerland?
Beat Fischer von Reichenbach
3. 6,000th episode of One Life To Live completed in which December?
4. Curacao census: 2,602 whites, 6,531 free people, 5,894 slaves in which year?
5. In 1670, France & England sign which treaty?
6. Who was Zolta (c. 907 – c. 950)?
a Grand Prince of the Hungarians
7. In 1660, Thomas Fairfax’s New Model Army occupies which city?
8. UBS bank is fined $1.5 billion for its role in manipulating the Libor rate in which year?
9. In 1959, USSR launches which spacecraft for 1st lunar fly-by, 1st solar orbit?
Mechta (Luna 1)
10. In 1229, which Conqueror enters Medina Mayurqa (Palma) consummating Christian conquest of the island of Majorca?
James I of Aragon
11. In which year, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region established (now in Tadzhik SSR)?
12. In 1776, which island establishes wage & price controls to curb inflation: Limit is 70 cents a day for carpenters, 42 cents for tailors?
Rhode Island
13. In which year, Academia de Bellas Artes is founded in Seville with painter Bartolomé Esteban Murillo its first president?
14. During WWII in 1942, which troops occupy Manila, Philippines?
15. In which year, France & Brandenburg sign a secret treaty?
16. In which tournament in 1972 held in Miami Orange Bowl: Miami Dolphins beat Baltimore Colts, 21-0?
AFC Championship
17. Jason and the Argonauts was a popular sword and sorcery film, released in which year?
18. In 2012, who wins the South Korean presidential election to become the nation’s first female president?
Park Geun-hye
19. Regular mail delivery begins between NY & Boston in which year?
20. In which year, Skirmish at Englefield: Ethelred of Wessex beats Danish invasion army?
21. In which year, 1st “Bob Cummings Show” premieres on NBC (later on CBS)?
22. In 1775, in which ballet in American Revolutionary War; Americans defeated trying to take British stronghold?
Battle of Quebec
23. In which year, Mariner 9 begins mapping Mars?
24. During World War II in 1941, the German bombing severely damages the Llandaff Cathedral in which city in Wales?
25. In 1660, James II of England is named what by Louis XIV of France?
Duke of Normandy

26. In which year, Don Carlos de Gurrea/Aragon becomes the Spanish land guardian of S Neth?
27. In 2013, 81 people are injured after part of the ceiling caved in at London’s which theatre?
Apollo Theatre
28. A major militarist nationalist movement in Japan from the 1920s to the 1930s was the Imperial Way Faction named what?
29. In 1969, Lorraine Hansberry’s which musical was premiered in NYC?
“To be Young, Gifted & Black”
30. In 765, Coffin of Ho-tse Shen-hui interred in a stupa built in which country?
31. In 1954, Herman Wouks “Caine Mutiny,” premiered in which city?
New York
32. In 1758, the British expeditionary army occupies which city in Senegal?
Goree (Dakar)
33. In which session of the American Hockey League, the St. Louis Flyers transferred from the American Hockey Association?
34. During World War II in 1941, which govt announces its Liberty ship program to build freighters in support of the war effort?
The U.S. government
35. In 1621, which Hungarian King sign the Treaty of Mikulov with Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II?
Bethlen Gabor
36. In which year, US population is 293,200,000; African American population: 22,600,000 (11.1%)?
37. In 1756, which country joins the Alliance of Versailles?
38. In 1827, Dutch Trade Company NHM gets an opium monopoly on which territory?
39. The Chavín civilization of the northern coast of Peru thrived in which years?
c 900-250 BCE
40. In 535, which Byzantine General completes the conquest of Sicily, defeating the Ostrogothic garrison of Syracuse, and ending his consulship for the year?
41. Who was Lucius Aemilius Barbula?
Roman general
42. In 1744, which English astronomer announces the discovery of Earth’s nutation motion (wobble)?
James Bradley
43. History Painting is a famous painting by whom?
44. What was the name of action taken by Benedict XVI in 2013 that resulted in the Apostolic Constitution “Pastor Bonus” being transferred to the Pontifical Council?
Fides per Doctrinam
45. In which year, Admiral Steven van der Haghen’s fleet reaches Bantam?
46. Ivan Le Lorraine Albright, an American painter, listed in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. died in which year?
47. In 1711, who was the 1st Duke of Marlborough, fired as English army commander?
John Churchill
48. Who was the Mayor (colonial period) of New York in 1677?
Stephanus Van Cortlandt
49. Italy was under the fascist rule of Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini for how many years?
21 years (1922–1943)
50. 80,000 Vandals, Alans, and Suebians cross the Rhine at Mainz, beginning the invasion of Gallia in which year?
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