100 General Knowledge Quiz Questions for Kids in English Trivia

Engaging in a fun and educational activity, such as a general knowledge quiz, can be both entertaining and enriching for young minds. These general knowledge questions for kids in English provide an opportunity for children to learn new facts and information while having fun with friends, family, and even neighbors. Whether they tackle the questions alone or enlist the help of parents, mentors, or teachers, the experience fosters curiosity and encourages a thirst for knowledge.

Kids can dive into a world of fascinating facts, exploring topics ranging from science and history to literature and pop culture. Through these quizzes, they not only expand their knowledge base but also develop critical thinking skills as they analyze and reason through each question. The interactive nature of such quizzes promotes engagement and active participation, making learning an enjoyable experience. Additionally, children can bond over shared discoveries and celebrate their newfound knowledge together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

Enhancing Learning Through Interactive Quizzes

Interactive quizzes serve as invaluable tools for enhancing children’s learning experiences. By presenting questions in a playful and engaging format, these quizzes capture the attention and interest of young learners, motivating them to actively participate and absorb new information. Moreover, the collaborative aspect of solving quizzes with peers, parents, or mentors fosters a supportive learning environment where children feel encouraged to ask questions, seek clarification, and explore concepts further.

As children tackle each question, they not only recall previously learned information but also acquire new knowledge across various subjects. From identifying famous landmarks to understanding basic scientific principles, the breadth of topics covered in general knowledge quizzes ensures a well-rounded learning experience. Furthermore, these quizzes can be tailored to suit different age groups and skill levels, allowing children to progress at their own pace while challenging themselves to expand their knowledge further.

Cultivating Curiosity and Lifelong Learning

Participating in general knowledge quizzes cultivates curiosity and instills a lifelong love for learning in children. As they encounter intriguing questions and seek answers, they develop a natural sense of curiosity about the world around them. This curiosity drives them to explore new topics, delve deeper into subjects of interest, and seek out knowledge beyond the confines of the classroom.

Moreover, the positive reinforcement and sense of accomplishment derived from successfully answering quiz questions nurture children’s self-confidence and intrinsic motivation to learn. Rather than viewing learning as a chore, they come to perceive it as an enjoyable pursuit filled with exciting discoveries and opportunities for growth. This shift in mindset sets the stage for a lifelong journey of intellectual curiosity and continuous learning, empowering children to embrace new challenges and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Developing Confidence through General Knowledge Quizzes

Engaging in frequent quizzes focusing on general knowledge not only enhances a child’s understanding of various subjects but also fosters confidence in their ability to comprehend and navigate the world around them. Through consistent participation in such activities, children gradually develop a broader awareness of current events, historical facts, scientific principles, and cultural phenomena. These quizzes serve as interactive learning tools, allowing kids to actively engage with new information in a fun and stimulating manner.

As children tackle diverse questions covering a wide range of topics, they are encouraged to think critically, analyze information, and draw connections between different subjects. This process not only expands their knowledge base but also hones their cognitive skills, including problem-solving, logical reasoning, and decision-making. Moreover, by successfully answering questions and achieving positive outcomes, children experience a sense of accomplishment, reinforcing their confidence in their abilities.

Enhancing Cognitive Abilities through Continuous Participation

Participating in general knowledge quizzes regularly offers children numerous opportunities to exercise and enhance their cognitive abilities. Each question presents a unique challenge, prompting kids to retrieve information from their memory, apply logical reasoning, and formulate responses effectively. Whether it’s recalling historical dates, understanding scientific concepts, or interpreting cultural traditions, children are continually stimulated to think critically and creatively.

Furthermore, the diversity of topics covered in these quizzes exposes children to a wide array of subjects, fostering a multidimensional understanding of the world. As they engage with questions spanning geography, literature, mathematics, and more, children develop a holistic perspective that transcends individual disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach not only enriches their learning experience but also encourages them to make connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, thereby deepening their comprehension.

Cultivating a Lifelong Love for Learning

Beyond the immediate benefits of improving general knowledge and cognitive abilities, engaging in quizzes from an early age cultivates a lifelong love for learning. By making learning interactive, enjoyable, and rewarding, quizzes instill in children a curiosity and thirst for knowledge that extends far beyond the confines of formal education. Rather than viewing learning as a chore or obligation, children come to perceive it as a source of joy, discovery, and personal growth. Business – Money Making – Marketing – E-commerce

Moreover, the sense of achievement derived from successfully answering questions reinforces children’s intrinsic motivation to continue learning and exploring new subjects independently. As they witness their progress and development over time, children become increasingly self-motivated and proactive in seeking out new information and experiences. Ultimately, this passion for learning becomes a cornerstone of their identity, shaping their academic pursuits, career aspirations, and lifelong journey of intellectual discovery.

Exploring General Knowledge: A Journey of Learning and Fun

Embark on a delightful journey of exploration as we delve into the realm of general knowledge questions tailored just for you, dear children. With each question comes a world of discovery, filled with excitement and wonder. Imagine yourself navigating through a maze of intriguing queries, each one unlocking a new treasure trove of information. These questions are not merely a test of your knowledge but an invitation to expand your horizons and enrich your understanding of the world around you. So, gear up for an adventure like no other, where every correct answer is a step closer to becoming a true connoisseur of knowledge.

Unraveling the Mysteries of General Knowledge

Dive deep into the ocean of knowledge as we unravel the mysteries hidden within these general knowledge questions. Picture yourself as a fearless explorer, armed with nothing but your curiosity and thirst for knowledge. With each question you answer, you peel back another layer of the unknown, revealing the intricate tapestry of facts and trivia that make up our world. From the vast expanse of space to the microscopic wonders of the natural world, there is no limit to what you can discover. So, let your imagination soar as you embark on this thrilling quest for enlightenment.

Engaging with the World Through General Knowledge

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of general knowledge and open your mind to endless possibilities. With each question you encounter, you have the opportunity to engage with diverse topics and expand your understanding of the world. From history and geography to science and literature, there is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be explored. So, embrace the journey and let your curiosity guide you as you navigate through a maze of intriguing questions. With each correct answer, you not only gain valuable insights but also boost your confidence and thirst for learning. So, let’s dive in and embark on this exciting adventure together!

General knowledge questions for kids in English

1. Who taught the first teacher?

god Chiron

2. Rocks never die, they just change form. T/F?


3. How thick is Earth’s crust?

about 15 km

4. Which animals are thought to be the cleverest of all sea creatures?


5. Who invented homework?

Horace Mann

6. Which continent is the best for Safari?


7. What is the hardest thing to destroy?


8. Who is the founder of Unicef?

Ludwik Rajchman, through the United Nations General Assembly

9. Is a Shark a fish or a mammal?

Unlike whales, sharks are not mammals

10. Which is the world’s toughest exam?


11. Which bird can not fly?


12. Q: Who developed an easy method to find out all the Prime Numbers?


13. What is Earth’s core made of?

Mostly of iron and nickel

14. What is the capital of Bahrain?


15. According to US News, what country has the second-best education system after the United States?

United Kingdom

16. Which non-metal is a good conductor of electricity?


17. What is the closest ocean to Australia?

Pacific Ocean

18. What is the “Little 5” of Africa?

Elephant Shrew, Ant Lion, Rhinoceros Beetle, Buffalo Weaver, and Leopard Tortoise

19. We should cross the road when the traffic light is on.


20. Which is the oldest currency in the world?

British pound

21. What is the largest waterfall in Australia?

Wallaman Falls – Queensland

22. What animal is the closest cousin to Dolphins?


23. What is the shape of a brick?


24. Which is the first computer in the world?

ENIAC computing system

25. Who is the father of mathematics?


26. Is there a sentence with all 26 letters?

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

27. Which country has its capital Bridgetown?


28. How many seconds are there in an hour?

3600 seconds

29. What is the most spoken aboriginal language?

Djambarrpuyngu language

30. Who is the father of zero?


31. When is Children’s Day celebrated?

14 November

32. Place where animals and birds are kept?


33. What does UPS stand for?

Uninterrupted Power Supply

34. Which fruit gives us oil?


35. Who invented mathematics first in the world?


36. What is New Zealand’s national anthem called?

God Defend New Zealand

37. Which was the first animal to go to space?


38. What is the boiling point of water?

100 °C

39. How many stars are there on the Chinese flag?


40. According to Forbes magazine, what country has the second smartest students after Singapore?

South Korea

41. What country has a black flag?


42. Which travels the fastest: Light or Sound?


43. Why does the sea not freeze?

The high concentration of salt in ocean water lowers its freezing point from 32° F (0° C) to 28° F (-2° C)

44. Which fish has no skeleton at all??


45. Who is the goddess of chess?


46. Which is the king of all subjects?


47. Which country has its capital Minsk?


48. Which is the largest plateau in the world?

Tibetan Plateau

49. Who is the mother of biology?

Maria Sibylla Merian

50. Who held the maximum number of 1,093 patents alone?

Inventor Thomas Edison

51. Who is the father of physics?

Galileo Galilei

52. What is the order of the planets in the Solar System?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

53. When was Antarctica warm?

The mid-Cretaceous, 140 million years, 35 degrees Celsius, and sea level 170 meters higher than today.

54. Does Pluto is a planet?

Dwarf planet

55. Who decided 24 hours in a day?


56. Who is the mother of chemistry?

Marie Anne Paulze Lavoisier

57. What is the farthest planet from Earth?


58. Which gas commonly known as laughing gas

Nitrous oxide

59. Who is the first mathematician in the world?

Thales of Miletus

60. What was before paper money?


61. What English word has all the vowels in alphabetical order?

Facetious, arsenious, abstemious, arteriosus, caesious

62. What is the full form of WiFi?

Wireless Fidelity

63. What is the study of the Universe known as?


64. What language is spoken in Antarctica?


65. Who invented paper?

Cai Lun

66. What is animal life called?


67. What is the distance between Earth and the Sun?

149.6 Million km

68. Who is known as the father of botany?


69. Which is the largest bone in the human body?

The femur, also known as the thighbone

70. Which country is the second in the oil reserve after Venezuela?

Saudi Arabia

71. Which planet is known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star?


72. What is a female gardener called?


73. Which planet is known as the Red Planet?


74. What is the pH range of blood?

About 7.35 to 7.45

75. Which country has the most gold?


76. Which is the fastest-growing plant?


77. What is the color of flowers called anthocyanins?

Red and Purple

78. Place these shapes in order of how many sides they have—square, triangle, octagon, and hexagon.

Triangle, square, hexagon, octagon

79. Who invented Sterilisation?

Joseph Lister

80. How long is 1 day on Neptune?

0d 16h 6m

81. Which country has the most stars on its flag?

the United States

82. What is the percentage of water on the floor of our planet?

71 percent

83. Which device in mathematics consists of beads?


84. Which planet is the coldest in our solar system?


85. How cold is Neptune?

Minus 200 degrees Celsius (minus 392 degrees Fahrenheit)

86. What is the Ph of urine?

4.5 to 8.0

87. When is Earth Day celebrated?

April 22nd of each year

88. What Is Thiamin?

Vitamin B

89. What is the name of these sequences: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34…………?

Fibonacci sequence

90. What’s the deadliest volcano in the world?

Vesuvius volcano

91. Who is the father of vaccination?

Edward Jenner

92. What is the dirtiest fish you can eat?

Swordfish, King Mackerel, Tilefish, Albacore Tuna or Tuna Steaks, etc

93. What country has the currency named Dram?


94. Which is the only even prime number?


95. What is the most powerful volcano on Earth?

Mount Tambora

96. How many types of vitamins are there?


97. What are the dirtiest aquarium fish?

Freshwater eels, Goldfish, Discus, Angelfish, Glass catfish, Dwarf gouramis, etc

98. Who created the 1st flag?

Betsy Ross

99. Which country has its currency Manat?


100. What is the oldest volcano?


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