50 Continents and Oceans Multiple Choice Quiz Test

A continents and oceans free multiple-choice trivia quiz test is always an awesome way to equip ourselves. Keep learning. Also, chase new knowledge. Continents and oceans quiz can help you to test how much you know. Continents and oceans quizzes can be sharable to others. North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia make up the world’s seven continents. The Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean make up the world’s five oceans. Share continents and oceans free multiple-choice trivia quiz test. The study of the five seas and seven continents is one of the most intriguing scientific subjects. The reason for this is that, despite the fact that the majority of us studied the seas and continents of the world in school, we frequently encountered disagreements in conversation over the precise number of continents and oceans.

Why is it so necessary to study continents and oceans? Because learning about the planet’s surface is essential if you wish to comprehend Planet Earth. Actually, water covers the majority of the surface (approximately 70%). Enjoy continents and oceans free multiple-choice trivia quiz test. Most of it—more than 95%—is saltwater. While the relatively modest land area has been divided into seven unique continents, the saltwater surface has been divided into five distinct oceans.

Describe continents. At their most basic level, continents may be defined as the portions of our planet’s surface that are not submerged. Anyone with a keen mind would spot flaws in such a definition right away. Why? due to the fact that continents’ forms and borders are constantly shifting. To this notion, continents get smaller as ocean levels rise. COmpete over continents and oceans free multiple-choice trivia quiz test. Not only that but the land masses that we now refer to as continents were created as a result of movements that dismembered the supercontinent known as Pangea. To believe that the movements that led to the formation of the seven continents have ended is a mistake. Future movements will result in the formation of new continents (we are talking about hundreds of millions of years from now).

Let’s solve the continents and oceans free multiple-choice trivia quiz test below!

Continents and Oceans free multiple-choice trivia quiz test

021-Continents and Oceans Quiz (50)

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Depending on when and where (i.e., which nation) you attended school, you could think there are 5, 6, or 7 continents. Some individuals also consider Eurasia, the continental mass that includes both Europe and Asia, to be a single entity. Find more continents and oceans free multiple-choice trivia quiz MCQ test. Another prevalent misunderstanding is that Australia is both the continent of Australia and Australia (the country). Australia (the continent) contains Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea, and New Zealand, as well as Polynesian and Micronesian islands. It is important not to mistake this continent for the nation of Australia.

On Earth, there are seven continents, and they together occupy one-third of the planet’s surface, with the remaining two-thirds being covered by oceans. While Antarctica and Australasia are divided from the other six continents by seas, five of the seven continents are connected to one another by land. Continents are substantial, continuous geographical masses that are divided by enormous bodies of water. The Earth’s atmosphere contains huge amounts of water called oceans.

We are fed by the oceans, which also control our temperature and produce most of the oxygen we breathe. A large portion of the global economy is also supported by them, including industries like international shipping, fishing, and tourism.

  • The total area of the continents is around 148 million square kilometers.
  • The majority of the surface of the Earth is covered by oceans.
  • Challenger Deep, the ocean’s deepest region, is found in the western Pacific Ocean and measures 10,994 meters. It is taller than Mount Everest but deeper!
  • More than any other continent, Africa has 54 nations.
  • Asia is the biggest continent. A third of the area on Earth is covered by it.
  • Russia is a component of both the European and Asian continents. Approximately 75% of the nation is in Asia, yet 75% of Russians live on the European continent.
  • The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which spans more than 56,000 kilometers beneath the Atlantic Ocean, is the world’s longest mountain range.
  • There are still a lot of seas to find because we have only explored 5% of them.
  • Ice blankets practically all of Antarctica. This ice sheet is made up of 26.5 million km3 of ice, or almost 61% of the freshwater on Earth.
  • Antarctica could accommodate around 62 nations the size of the United Kingdom.

You might also say “SEAN got three AAAs” to recall the three continents of Australia, Antarctica, and Africa. “SEAN” stands for “South America, Europe, Asia, and North America.” There are regulations in place to help keep the peace and to essentially divide responsibility for the world’s oceans to various entities or countries around the world, despite the fact that the oceans are technically viewed as international zones, meaning no one country has jurisdiction over it all.

Which divisions do oceans have? Oceanographers have separated the ocean into four main regions despite the fact that it is one continuous body of water: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic Oceans. In the frigid waters around Antarctica, the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans converge.

Four of the top five largest nations in the world are among the 133 nations and territories that have an ocean boundary. The Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, and the Caribbean Sea are some of its busiest seas. Some of the significant islands in this ocean include the Canary Islands, Newfoundland, and Azores.

Which nation doesn’t have an ocean or sea? Liechtenstein, located in Central Europe and flanked by Austria and Switzerland, is one of two such nations. Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan are all neighbors to Uzbekistan in Central Asia.

Seas are generally found where the land and ocean meet and are smaller than oceans in terms of geography. Bookmark continents and oceans free multiple-choice trivia MCQ quiz test. Seas are typically partially surrounded by land. On the edges of the ocean, there are seas that are partially encircled by land.

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