Christmas quiz questions and answers printable free online trivia on holiday for family will meet up your thirst on this grand event for the mankind. Many youngsters think that Santa Claus will visit them in his amazing sleigh, which will be pulled by his magical reindeer who can actually fly! Santa Claus only visits when the youngsters have been very good. Enjoy Christmas quiz questions and answers. He visits on Christmas Eve night to deliver gifts to the children. As Santa descends down the chimney to give his gifts, the kids leave carrots for the reindeer, milk, and mince pies by the fireplace.
Germany used to supply practically all of the ornamental glass ornaments for Christmas trees around the globe. In Germany, the Christmas season begins in the first week of December, when town squares are crowded with vendors selling anything from toys to hot spiced wine. On December 5, youngsters anticipate a visit from Saint Nicholas, who will bring them presents. Explore Christmas quiz questions and answers. On Christmas Eve, the majority of youngsters get gifts. In certain parts of Germany, Santa Claus gives gifts, but in others, Knecht Ruprecht, a mythological person clad in animal skins, delivers children’s sweets. Enjoy how the grinch stole Christmas trivia questions and answers. Find more and more from Christmas quiz questions and answers.
The whole world celebrates Christmas, in its own way. Because the weather in Brazil over the Christmas holiday is often hot, several families choose to spend the day at the beach. Christian families traditionally have a feast consisting of pig, ham, turkey, Panettone, and Brazilian nuts at 10 p.m. Families will attend a midnight mass, or Missa do Galo, once dinner is over. Enhance your knowledge through Christmas quiz questions and answers. Because pine is scarce in Brazil, most homes are decked out with fake Christmas trees, which will hopefully be adorned with gifts from Papai Noel, or Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve, children frequently put a sock on their windowsill before going to bed, only to wake up to find the sock gone and a present left by Papai Noel.
The Origins of Christmas Christmas is a Christian feast observed by most Western Christians on December 25th to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Share the Christmas quiz questions and answers. Despite the fact that Christmas is primarily regarded as a sacred religious holiday and is observed mostly in the Western world, it is observed and acknowledged by numerous cultures, organizations, and even governments all over the world. Most companies in the United States close for at least one day during the year to observe Christmas. Exchanging presents, decorating Christmas trees, attending church services, and sharing meals with family and friends are all popular Christmas traditions. The coming of Santa Claus is the pinnacle of Christmas for both children and adults.
The Christmas celebrations end on January 1st or the 12th day of Christmas. The celebrations vary by country but are more similar in larger countries such as the United States or Canada. They always include/bring a feast, giving gifts or money, and attending church between the days of Friday and Sunday, or public activities such as singing Christmas carols, playing games with snow, or building snowmen. In many nations throughout the world, Santa Claus is revered as a Christmas Idol. 0.) (Santa Claus.). Ponder over Christmas quiz questions and answers. There are numerous meals available throughout the Christmas season……in the middle of the paper……religion differs, yet there are many parallels that are not readily apparent in our daily life.
Christmas quiz questions and answers holiday fun facts
Here we go with the 50 best Christmas quiz questions and answers!
1. What did Hermey the Elf really want to be?
A dentist
2. The Griswolds live in the suburb of what city?
3. Why did cousin Eddie quit eating squirrels?
He found out they were high in cholesterol
4. Christmas wasn’t always on __
December 25
5. The origin of Christmas trees goes all the way back to __
Ancient Egyptians and Romans
6. Wherefrom the idea of Santa Claus came
St. Nicholas
7. “Jingle Bells” was originally a __
Thanksgiving song.
8. When was celebrating Christmas outlawed?
By the time the Puritans settled in Boston

9. What did the Jamestown settlers create?
The first American batch of eggnog
10. In 1953, Bing Crosby had a huge hit with a song that is originally called “Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht” in German. What is the name of this song?
Answer: “Silent Night”
11. In 1946, the Andrews Sister and Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadian Orchestra released a song in which they asked listeners if they would like to spend Christmas in this special location. What is the name of this special place?
Answer: “Christmas Island”
12. In 1948, what song was released by Spike Jones and the City Slickers?
Answer: “All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth”
12. On which ‘feast’ did Good King Wenceslas step out, according to the well-known hymn?
Answer: Feast of Stephen (St. Stephen’s Day/26th December in the UK)
13. What is the name of Scrooge’s dead business partner?
Jacob Marley
14. Who does the voice of The Grinch and the story narration in the 1966 cartoon?
Boris Karloff
15. Which ocean is Christmas Island located in?
Indian Ocean

16. What department store created Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
17. What is the best-selling Christmas song ever?
White Christmas
18. What was Brenda Lee doing around the Christmas tree?
19. What Christmas special was based on a New York Sun editorial?
Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Claus
20. Which company was the first to use Santa Claus in an ad?
21. Which president was the first to decorate the White House Christmas tree?
Franklin Pierce
22. What country did gingerbread houses originate in?

23. What color Christmas is Elvis going to have?
24. In the song Twelve Days of Christmas, what is given on the 9th day?
Ladies Dancing
25. What was the poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas” originally titled?
A visit from St. Nicholas
26. In the song “Frosty the Snowman,” what made Frosty come to life?
The old silk hat
27. What country is the Poinsettia plant native to?
28. What is the most popular meal for Christmas in Japan?
KFC fried chicken

29. What Christmas-themed ballet premiered in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 1892?
The Nutcracker
30. “Miracle on 34th Street” centers on what real-life department store in New York?
31. In the song “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer,” what “incriminating” evidence was found on Grandma’s back?
Claus Mark
32. What famous actor played Scrooge in “The Muppet Christmas Carol”?
Michael Chaine
33. What well-known Christmas carol became the first song ever broadcast from space in 1965?
Jingle Bells
34. What holiday movie sequel includes a cameo by Donald Trump?
Home Alone 2
35. Who composed the songs for the movie ‘White Christmas’?
Irving Berlin
36. If you were born on Christmas day, which star sign would you belong to?

37. In the song ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’, how many lords were leaping?
38. Which Cliff Richard’s song was Christmas number one in the UK in 1988?
Mistletoe And Wine
39. How many gifts would you receive if you received all the gifts in the song ‘12 days of Christmas’?
40. Which Alicia Key’s song made Christmas number one in the US in 2007?
No One
41. Which year did Band-Aid release the song entitled ‘Do They Know it’s Christmas’ in the UK?
42. Who was the author of “A Christmas Carol”?
Charles Dickens
43. Which song did The Bee Gees have a Christmas number one with in the US in 1977?
How Deep Is Your Love
44. How many doors of an advent calendar would you open before Christmas Day arrives?
45. The song White Christmas was first performed in which 1942 film?
Holiday Inn
46. In the song “Frosty the Snowman,” what made Frosty come to life?
An old silk hat
47. What Christmas decoration was originally made from strands of silver?
48. Who played George Bailey in the Christmas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life?”
Jimmy Stewart
49. Per a recent holiday fad, what “spy” hides around the house, reporting back to Santa on who has been naughty and nice?
The Elf on the Shelf

50. What Christmas beverage is also known as “milk punch?”
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