50 easy general knowledge questions and answers to printable quizzes online will give you a knowledge boost for free. In differential psychology, basic general knowledge is defined as “culturally valued information disseminated through a variety of non-specialist sources” and covers a wide range of topics. People who are extremely informed in one topic are likely to be knowledgeable in others, according to studies. Explore the 50 easy general knowledge questions and answers.
You were born with the ability to learn and apply what you’ve learned. Sense impressions, sense judgments, and sense perceptions of earthly reality are not known! Keep pace with the 50 easy general knowledge questions and answers. The terms “information” and “knowledge” are not interchangeable. Earthly reality knowledge is synthetic and does not guarantee the existence of anything in earthly reality. The truth is spoken through knowledge.
There is a difference between theory and practice. Knowledge, like theory, isn’t really valuable unless we can put it to use, like in mathematics. It’s great to solve the 50 easy general knowledge questions and answers. In my perspective, our educational system gives much too much knowledge and far too little experience. For example, children are expected to repeat particular facts, but they are not provided fundamental knowledge or practice on how interacting with one another in a respectful and connected manner makes the world a better place.
The Cold War, which lasted from 1945 to 1991, as a condition of political conflict, military tension, and economic struggle between the Soviet Union and its satellite governments and the Western powers, led by the United States. Keep going with the 50 easy general knowledge questions and answers The struggle was manifested through military alliances, strategic conventional force deployments, a nuclear arms race, espionage, proxy wars, propaganda, and scientific competition, such as the space race, despite the fact that the key players’ armed forces never physically met.
In a speech by Bernard Baruch, a powerful counselor to Democratic presidents, the word was originally used to define the unique postwar geopolitical struggle between the USSR and the United States. “Let us not be deceived: we are presently in the middle of a cold war,” journalist Herbert Bayard Swope declared in his address. Have fun with the 50 easy general knowledge questions and answers. With his book The Cold War, newspaper columnist Walter Lippmann popularized the word; when queried in 1947 about its origins, Lippmann traced it back to a French term from the 1930s, la guerre froide.

50 easy general knowledge questions and answers
1. The word ‘colygraphia’ means
The writer’s block
2. The Strait of Hormuz is a strait between the Persian Gulf and
The Gulf of Oman
3. What did Ernest Hemingway and Truman Capote both use to help them think while they were writing?
Sharpened pencils
4. What is a mania for writing for publication?
5. Currently situated in Jordan, dating to around 300 B.C., which was the capital of the Nabatean Kingdom?

6. the literal meaning of the word “Physics” is taken from a Greek saying
“knowledge of nature”
7. Space Travellers become a kind of younger due to
Relativity and gravity
8. Who consumed 20 pounds of hay and a gallon of sweet tea each day?
Mister Ed
9. Dewey Decimal system is a
Library classification system
10. The Sunda Strait is the strait between the Indonesian islands of Java and
11. GPS which literally shows us the right paths in life is based on a physics formula of
E= mc 2
12. a person can easily float in the water without drowning at
The Dead Sea
13. With its area of 605 km², the Dead Sea is a salt lake bordered by
Jordan and Israel
14. Everything we see in this universe is what percentage of the whole?
Only 5% of the whole
15. Charlie Chaplin was born in which city?
London (1889)

16. Which is supplied by a number of major rivers, such as the Danube, Dnieper, Southern Bug, Dniester, Don, and the Rioni?
Black Sea
17. As you approach the speed of light, what tends to increase dramatically?
18. There is the existence of radiation around the Blackhole called?
Hawking radiation
19. The Rifleman takes place in the 1870s and 1880s, but Lucas McCain has a rifle from whichg year?
20. The passage of time is ________ for people moving at different velocities.

21. What is the biggest molecule in nature?
A human cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes 1
22. What is the Roman Goddess of hope
23. Which is the longest-running play in history?
‘The Mouse Trap’ (by Agatha Christie)
24. How many atoms an adult human body is made up of?
7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms

25. We have about the same number of ____ as a chimpanzee
Hairs on our bodies
26. The date of the crash on ______ is Irwin Allen’s birthday.
Land of the Giants
27. The length of the Suez Canal is
193.3 km (120.1 miles)
28. If you lost all your empty atomic space, your body would fit
into a cube less than 1/500th of a centimeter on each side.
29. What are the most common element in the universe and a major feature of your body?
30. What is the only English word that ends in the letters ‘mt’?
31. The age of every atom in our body is
Every atom in your body is billions of years old.
32. Which is considered the most important natural passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans?
The Strait of Magellan
33. What is a “quantum leap”?
When an electron changes its orbit
34. Why does the blood look red?
Porphyrin (a ring of atoms in haemoglobin)
35. The 1912 Olympic Games were the last to include gold medals actually made of
Solid gold

36. Who played golf on the moon in his NASA Apollo 14 mission in 1971?
Astronaut Alan Shepard
37. The average golf ball has
336 dimples
38. The network wanted to ditch Spock on the movie ____ because he looked Satanic.
Star Trek
39. In Greek mythology, who is the God of love and sex
40. Electrons are confined to specific orbits. True/ False?
41. Your DNA includes the genes from at least
Eight retroviruses (kind of virus)
42. There are around 10tn of your own cells, but 10 times more bacteria in your body. True/ False?
43. Say, your mother was 30 when she had you, then on your 18th birthday you were arguably over
48 years old (Human eggs are tiny. They are, after all, just a single cell and are typically around 0.2mm across – about the size of a printed full stop. Your egg was formed in your mother – but the surprising thing is that it was formed when she was an embryo)
44. 100% of human DNA is equally important. True/ False?
45. Phil Spector recorded and sang the theme song to which TV show?
Lucy in London
46. The picture of the world we “see” is
Artificial (Our brains don’t produce an image the way a video camera works. Instead, the brain constructs a model of the world from the information provided by modules that measure light and shade, edges, curvature, and so on.)
47. What is the name of the biggest fruit?
Lodoicea maldivica (Double coconut wt 6 kg)
48. Who is the father of Western Philosophy?
49. Who is the father of logic?
50. What is the name of the tree with the largest diameter?
Taxodium mucronatum (100—125 ft) Cestanea (167 feet)
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