100 Social GK Questions Answer Trivia in English Fun Quiz

Social GK questions answer trivia in English quiz printable general knowledge are appropriate for covering many social science branches. Social sciences quizzes provide a captivating and enlightening journey into the various dimensions of our lives, encompassing anthropology, sociology, economics, and much more. They serve as windows through which we can gaze upon the intricate mosaic of human existence, fostering a deeper understanding of our society and its many facets. Each question opens a new door, inviting us to explore, question, and learn, ultimately enriching our perspective on the world we inhabit.

Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Social Sciences

Our existence is intricately woven into the fabric of society, and understanding the intricate web of social sciences quizzes can be an intellectually invigorating experience. These quizzes offer a window into the complex world we inhabit, shedding light on multifarious facets that shape our lives. It is a journey through a diverse landscape encompassing anthropology, sociology, economics, psychology, and so much more. Each question posed becomes a portal into the fascinating realms of our existence, inviting us to delve deeper into the mosaic of human society.

The Kaleidoscope of General Knowledge Questions in English

Within the realm of social GK questions in English, an inquisitive reader embarks on an enlightening odyssey, seeking to comprehend the intricate tapestry of our existence. These questions encompass a wide spectrum of topics, ranging from the fundamental structures of societies to the dynamics of economies. The reader, eager to unravel the mysteries of life, delves into anthropology to understand the evolution of human cultures, sociology to fathom the intricate relationships that shape our interactions, and economics to dissect the engines that drive our financial world.

A Multifaceted Glimpse into Our Life and Lifestyle

As we delve deeper into the treasure trove of social sciences quizzes, the reader encounters a multitude of dimensions that constitute our life and lifestyle. These questions offer a kaleidoscopic view of our existence, allowing us to explore the rich diversity of human cultures, traditions, and belief systems. They serve as a mirror reflecting our history, our struggles, our achievements, and our aspirations, giving us a profound insight into the essence of humanity.

Unearthing the Economic Nexus

Economics, a prominent feature in the landscape of social sciences, plays a pivotal role in shaping our world. Within the folds of these quizzes, we find questions that take us on an intellectual journey through the intricacies of markets, trade, resources, and the dynamics of supply and demand. As we grapple with these economic enigmas, we come to understand how the flow of money and resources influences our daily lives, shaping our decisions, and driving the forces of globalization.

The Tapestry of Anthropology Unveiled

Anthropology, another captivating field within social sciences, offers a lens through which we can view the origins and evolution of human beings. The reader, guided by these questions, travels back in time to unearth the secrets of our ancestors, tracing the development of language, culture, and social structures. This intellectual journey through the annals of history allows us to appreciate the rich tapestry of human heritage and how it continues to influence our contemporary world.

Sociology’s Exploration of Human Connections

Sociology, inquisitive and probing, investigates the intricate web of human relationships and interactions. The questions within social sciences quizzes expose the reader to the myriad dynamics of societies, highlighting how norms, values, and institutions mold our behavior and attitudes. It becomes evident that our lives are shaped not only by individual choices but also by the collective consciousness of our communities and the societies we inhabit.

Diverse Sources for Social Science GK Questions

In the realm of knowledge acquisition and quizzing, the spectrum of social science general knowledge (GK) questions in English is derived from an extensive array of reputable sources. These sources encompass a wide spectrum of academic textbooks, historical archives, scholarly publications, and contemporary research findings.

This eclectic selection ensures that the reservoir of questions remains rich and multifaceted, preventing the reader from encountering a sense of monotony. By tapping into these multifarious origins, a tapestry of questions is woven, each offering a unique insight into the diverse facets of social sciences, be it sociology, anthropology, psychology, or economics. Thus, inquisitive minds delving into these queries are guaranteed a stimulating and varied experience, fostering a more profound understanding of the subject matter at hand.

Pioneering the Pursuit of Knowledge

In the grand tapestry of human curiosity, there exists an invigorating challenge and opportunity: the quest for knowledge, especially in the domain of social sciences. To embark on this intellectual voyage is to become a pioneer in the realm of learning. It is to light the torch of enlightenment and guide oneself through the intricate maze of social science GK questions in English.

However, this quest for enlightenment need not be a solitary one; it can be shared, like a beacon, with friends and peers. By being at the forefront of solving these questions, one can serve as a source of inspiration and knowledge for others, igniting their curiosity and fostering a culture of shared wisdom. In this endeavor, you not only enrich your own understanding but also contribute to the collective enlightenment of those around you, making the journey of exploration all the more rewarding and meaningful.

The Beauty of Intellectual Diversity

In the realm of social science GK questions in English, diversity is the key to unlocking the full spectrum of human understanding. This diversity is manifested not only in the myriad topics and themes explored but also in the complex tapestry of languages and cultures that have contributed to the rich body of knowledge that we possess today.

The questions themselves are reflective of this intricate weave, drawing from the wisdom of diverse civilizations and epochs, from the philosophies of the ancient Greeks to the sociological insights of modern thinkers. With each question, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a different facet of the human experience, unraveling the mysteries of societies and their intricate dynamics. The English language, as a global lingua franca, acts as a bridge to connect individuals from various linguistic backgrounds in this journey of discovery, making the process all the more enriching and inclusive.

The Ever-Evolving Landscape

Social science GK questions in English are not stagnant pools of knowledge but dynamic landscapes that evolve with time. They mirror the changing paradigms and societal shifts that continually reshape our world. As society progresses, so do our questions, reflecting the newest trends, theories, and paradigms that emerge in the ever-evolving field of social sciences.

Thus, by engaging with these questions, you are not only exploring the past and present but also glimpsing into the future, as the queries open doors to emerging trends and fresh perspectives. In essence, each question is a snapshot of a specific moment in the ever-flowing river of human knowledge, capturing the zeitgeist and illuminating the intellectual journey of humanity.

The Joy of Sharing

The act of sharing knowledge is a noble endeavor, for it enriches both the giver and the receiver. As you venture into the intricate world of social science GK questions in English, you have the privilege of not only enhancing your own understanding but also disseminating this wisdom to others. This act of sharing multiplies the joy of discovery, creating a vibrant community of learners who inspire and support one another.

The beauty of sharing is that it not only spreads knowledge but also fosters connections and camaraderie among individuals who share a common curiosity. So, embrace the opportunity to be a pioneer in solving these questions, and share the wealth of knowledge with your friends, for in this act, you not only impart wisdom but also cultivate a rich tapestry of shared learning experiences. Digital Electronic Gadgets all Modern Hot Sale on Amazon

The Psychological Intricacies of Our Minds

In this intellectual voyage, we also encounter questions that delve into the enigmatic recesses of human psychology. These inquiries help us fathom the complexities of our minds, exploring emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that make us who we are. Understanding these psychological aspects not only adds depth to our self-awareness but also aids in comprehending the intricate fabric of human society.

Social GK Questions Answer Trivia in English Fun Quiz

1. What are the 7 social sciences?

The major social sciences are Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Criminology, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology, and Sociology.

2. Who is the father of social science?

Émile Durkheim

3. Where are Treriksröset, Kiruna, and Lapland located?


4. The branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth is what?


5. What is a clan?

group of people with the same distant ancestor (known as a totum)

6. What is the most dangerous city in Michigan?

Detroit, MI

7. What is Africa’s smallest mammal?

Etruscan shrew

8. What country has the lowest homeless rate?


9. Which branch is the mother of social science?


10. What is zooarchaeology?

Subdiscipline devoted to the analysis of animal remains in the archaeological record.

11. Which country is the poorest in water?


12. What is the largest theater in the world?

Kinepolis-Madrid Ciudad de la Imagen megaplex

13. What is the whitest city in Michigan?


14. The system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties is what?


15. Who is the father of economics?

Adam Smith

16. Which country has no debt?

Saudi Arabia

17. In 1996 what was the most common use for a computer?

46% Bookkeeping invoicing WP 45%

18. What are the poorest cities in the United States?

Detroit City, Michigan

19. Feudalism centered around what?


20. How did American gangster and boss of the Gambino crime family in New York City, John Gotti die?


21. When is International Yoga Day celebrated?

June 21

22. Which country in Africa has the most beautiful ladies?


23. Who wrote Pamela, the first novel in English?

Samuel Richardson

24. What is consanguinity or consanguineal link?

The biological link that dictates a family’s kinship

25. Kolbeinsey and Eyjafjarðarsýsla are located in which country?


26. How many countries have two “official” national anthems?

Canada, Demark, and New Zealand

27. “Workers have nothing to lose but their chains” was said by whom?

Karl Marx

28. The line that demarcates India and China is what?

The McMohan line

29. In which country has no river?

Vatican City

30. What is a watching brief?

A formal program of observation and investigation is conducted during any operation carried out for non-archaeological reasons.

31. The transfer of heat in the atmosphere through the horizontal movement of the air is called what?


32. What is the poorest county in the United States?

Wheeler County

33. What is descent?

Social and biological links between ancestors and their descendants according to Anthropology

34. What is the richest state in the United States?


35. What links François Jacob, André Lwoff and Jacques Monod?

Received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1965

36. The study which deals with interrelationships between the life forms and the environment is what?


37. What does homework stand for?

Half Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge

38. What is the most powerful currency in the world?

Kuwaiti dinar

39. What is the Northernmost Point in Norway?

Rossøya, Svalbard

40. When was the first English Comedy Staged?


41. What is ego?

The main individual in a kinship diagram according to the Anthropology

42. What planet has no seasons?


43. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN on what date?

10th December 1948

44. The painting called Last Super and Monalisa was painted by whom?

Leonardo da Vinci

45. Rubber is coherent elastic obtained from the latex of rubber trees Latex means what?

The liquid secretion of the rubber tree

46. The earliest language of the Aryans was what?


47. What is the most populous race in the world?

The Han Chinese

48. When is World Tourism Day celebrated?

September 27

49. In which year was the father of Economics Adam Smith born?

June 1723

50. Which is the biggest Theatre in Asia?

Raj Mandir Cinema

51. Which pairs of countries were superpowers after the Second World War?


52. Bermuda is a good example of what?

Oceanic rise

53. What is endogamy?

The marriage selection process in which the new spouse must be from a particular social group according to Anthropology

54. Which is the fourth largest island country in the world?


55. What is the first English Tragedy?


56. The science of classification of organisms is called what?


57. Who is Branwen ferch Llyr?

One of the four Branches of the Mabinogi, according to Welsh mythology

58. What is the price of Ѕtrаwbеrrу Аrnаud icecream?

$1.4 M

59. What state has the highest Hispanic population?


60. The longest day in the southern hemisphere is what?

December 22

61. What country has the least freshwater?


62. Bronze is made by mixing what?

Copper and zinc

63. What states have the largest black population?


64. What are the lifeforms of creatures?


65. Who is the first printer in English?

William Caxton

66. Which is the longest river in Asia?

Yangtze River

67. Primary rocks are the result of what process?


68. What is the richest country in the world?


69. Burma (now Myanmar) was colonized by which country?

Great Britain

70. What is hijrah?

In Islamic history terms, hijrah refers to the migration of Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution.

71. The rock which is harder than its original constituent is what?

Metamorphic rock

72. What is the tilt of Neptune?

28 degrees

73. What links Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger and Richard P. Feynman?

Received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965

74. The written time of Beowulf, the oldest document of English literature is what?

650AD (apx)

75. According to US News, what country has the third-best education system after the United States and the United Kingdom respectively?


76. Tropical cyclones of the West Indies are what?


77. What state has the most Mexicans?


78. How much gold is still to be mined in the earth?


79. The release of water vapor from the leaves is called what?


80. In which country diamond is the cheapest?


81. Called the father of modern economics, Paul Samuelson became the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Economics in which year?


82. How did American actress Lana Turner die?


83. What is Shakespeare’s First play?

Love’s labor lost

84. Which US state has the lowest household income?

West Virginia

85. What is the largest extinct volcano in the world?

Tamu Massif

86. Where do most billionaires live in the US?

New York City

87. What’s the richest city in Africa?


88. What are Nuorgam, Utsjoki, and Lapland?

Northernmost Points in Finland

89. “All human beings are born free and all equal in dignity and rights” – this was proclaimed in what?

Declaration of Human Rights

90. What is the youngest river in the world?

Roe River

91. Who has the strongest economy?


92. What percentage of Africa is black?

81% (2016)

93. The fall of the Czar, Nicholas II (USSR) is known as what?

The February revolution

94. Outliers: The Story of Success is the third non-fiction book written by whom?

Malcolm Gladwell

95. Summer Olympic sports are divided into categories based on popularity, gauged: public surveys by what percent?


96. Thinking, Fast and Slow – is a book related to which topic?


97. NATO is what?

A military pact

98. What is Latte Macchiato?


99. What is the Northernmost Point in the United States?

Point Barrow, Alaska

100. What is the nationality of Adam Smith?


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