The best sports trivia questions will make you the best among all others. It is the time to test yourself by dint of the best sports trivia questions made for you. Best Sports Trivia Questions are collected from different sources that you will find all information in one place. Let’s solve these best sports trivia questions that should not a big deal for you. The lightest of these games is table tennis or ping-pong, while the heaviest is a tie between bowling and shot put, but there is a range of weights used in bowling, with 16 pounds being the highest allowed weight.
Base jumping is without a doubt the most hazardous sport on the planet. According to statistics, base jumping has a far higher risk of death than any other exercise. Explore the best sports trivia questions multiple choice of all times. Polo is the oldest known team sport, having originated in Persia some 2,500 years ago… and one for the well-heeled, as each team member was required to have their own horse. And these were big games, with up to 100 mounted men per side in elite training matches with the king’s cavalry.
What was the first sport that was ever played on the moon? Golf is the sport in question. Alan Shepard, an astronaut on Apollo 14, swung a handmade 6-iron on the moon’s surface in 1971 and missed the ball. Enjoy the best sports trivia questions multiple choice of all times. His second swing, on the other hand, was a success, and the golf ball flew “far and miles and miles,” as Shepard described it afterward. Squash balls are somewhat smaller than golf balls. The basketball is the largest at the other end of the scale.
Zourkhaneh, a classic Iranian martial art, is one of the ancient Persian sports. Polo and jousting are two other sports that have their roots in Persia. A polished bone object dating to roughly 5000 BCE that was discovered in Eva in Tennessee, United States, has been suggested as a potential sports object used in a “ring and pin” game. Find the best sports trivia questions multiple choice of all times. Many South Asian traditional sports are said to date back thousands of years. For example, kabaddi and kho-kho may have been referenced in the Mahabharata, while atya-patya may have been mentioned in the Naiai, which was written about 300 CE.
Swimming is the most secure sport to participate in. It’s gentle on the joints and can help with injury rehabilitation, making it America’s safest sport. Researchers from the University of Colorado Denver, led by a Ph.D., conducted a study.
Best sports trivia questions multiple choice of all times
1. In American football, safety is where the defensive team manages to tackle an attacking opponent in their own end zone; for this, the team will receive how many poits?

2. Whilst there are only 11 players from each team on the field at any team, an American football team is actually made up of how many players?

3. An American football field is generally around 360 feet long and _____ feet wide.

4. American football games last for four ____ minute quarters with a 2 minute break between the 1st & 2nd and 3rd & 4th quarters is had along with a 15 minute rest between 2nd and 3rd quarters

5. Each team in American football has 4 downs to gain how many yards?

6. In the Olympics, Archary competitors aim at a target from what distance?

7. “an instrument consisting of a handle (grip), riser (no shoot-through type) and two flexible limbs each ending in a tip with a string nock.” is the instrument of which game?

8. In the archery, the maximum diameter of the arrow shaft should not exceed 9.3mm and the diameter of the tips should not exceed

9. In Archary, the highest score for a single arrow is _____ for hitting the inner gold ring

10. In the Olympic Archery competition, athletes must shoot how many arrows in 12 phases?

11. In Archery, the maximum time permitted to shoot an end of three arrows is

12. Elbow pads, hand pegs, touch pads are the name of types of equipment played in

13. In Arm Wrestling, how many referees are there?

14. Two warnings = one foul and two foul equals disqualification meaning that their opponent immediately wins the match in Arm wrestling. True/ False?

15. What is the time limit of Arm Wrestling?

16. What is the collective name for a collection of sporting events that involve competitors running, throwing, walking, and jumping?

17. Heptathlon is a kind of athletic played only by

18. Decathlon is a kind of athletic played only by

19. You are required to win 21 points to win a set with most matches being best of 3 sets in which game?

20. The badminton court measures

21. Winning the overall game will require you to win 2 out of the ___ sets played.

22. In badminton, a serve must be hit underarm and below the serve's waist. No overarm serves are allowed. True/ False?

23. If a player touches the Badminton net with any part of their body or racket then it is deemed a fault and their opponent receives the point. True/ False?

24. The badminton game has only two rest periods coming to the form of a 90-second rest after the first game and a 5 minute rest period after the second game. True/ False?

25. Bar Billiards is a form of Billiards that is also known by the name of

26. In the Bar Billiards, the black skittle is always placed in front of the hole that is worth ________ points.

27. Baseball is a sport that dates back as far as

28. The idea is to hit the ball thrown at you as far as you can before running around _______ bases to complete a run.

29. A game is played out between two teams, each made up of _____ players.

30. The baseball game lasts for ______ innings with each team alternating between batting and fielding in each inning.

31. Each baseball team has ______ outs per inning before they then swap roles.

32. When the baseball innings is named "the top"?

33. Separating the baseball infield and outfield is a diamond shape with four bases, spaced at ______ feet apart each.

34. The baseball is white with red stitching and is roughly _____ inches in diameter.

35. fielding team wear ‘mits’ (gloves) in which game?

36. In baseball, a player can score a mandatory point if they hit a home run, which usually means

37. In the baseball, a strike is deemed when

38. Basketball dates back as far as

39. In basketball, each team is made up of 12 players with only ________ allowed on the court at any time.

40. Point Guard, Defensive Guard, Center, Offensive forward, and Defensive Forward are the five positions of which game?

41. The basketball court is a rectangular shape and measures

42. At each end of the basketball court are two baskets both _____ feet in height.

43. The game is split up into 4 twelve-minute quarters. Which game is this?

44. How many scoring numbers are there for basketball players?

45. In basketball, each team has ____ seconds to at least shot at the basket.

46. After the ball goes into a team’s half and they win possession back the ball must then make it back over the half way line within _______ seconds.

47. Violations in which game include travelling, double dribble and goaltending?

48. Beach Volleyball originated in Hawaii around

49. Beach Volleyball made its first appearance at the Olympics as recently as

50. Which two nations are the two most successful nations in Olympic volleyball?

51. The team that reaches 21 points (by two clear points) first is declared the winner of a set, and two set wins are required to emerge victorious in the overall match in which game?

52. “hand touches”, “tips” and “dinks” are the names of violations in which game?

53. Beer Pong is a popular drinking game that is played around the world and is also known by the name of

54. What is a cue sport that is played by two players and utilises one object ball (red) and two cue balls (yellow and white)?

55. What is a high-speed winter racing sport where teams (of two or four, depending on the type of event) hop aboard sleds and travel down curved ice tracks?

56. Which game is a slight variation of volleyball and requires you to hit a ball over a net in order to win points. You can use any part of your body (head, feet, hands) to get the ball over the net and into your opponent's section. The games take place on a massive inflatable with a trampoline found on each side for added bounce.

57. What is a game involving bowls – almost-spherical ball-like objects with flattened sides and a weight bias – and jacks (a smaller ball, this time spherical in shape), in which the former are rolled (bowled) towards the latter on the bowling green?

58. Boxing ring (ironically, of course, usually square) is generally around ______ feet

59. What is an ice-based game that is closely related to ice hockey and was founded in Canada?

60. The modern version of which sport has its direct roots from Mexican contests of ranching and horse skills that began to be developed in the 16th and 17th centuries?

61. Who is considered by many to be the greatest Greco-Roman wrestler?

62. Pro Golf Events are held over four days and the winner is the player who completes how many holes?

63. In golf, Players can only use up to ______ clubs.

64. How many variations are there in Wrestling?

65. The whole ball must cross the goal line for it to constitute as a goal in football. True/ False?

66. In football, substitutions can be made at any time of the match with each team being able to make a maximum of ________ substitutions per side

67. What is the name of Figure Skating rule that states that no participant can attempt triple or quadruple jumps on more than two occasions?

68. Which country is the current world leaders in Olympic Figure Skating?

69. What is the sport in which single athletes or teams of athletes conduct artistic performances on the ice?

70. A foul or infringement in a hockey game is called when a player

71. Each hockey game lasts for two ________ minute halves with a 5-minute rest in between

72. What is the size of hockey pitch?

73. Each hockey team consists of how many players?

74. What is the name of the Fencing field called?

75. foil, sabre, and epée are the branches of which game?

76. What is the main objective of dodgeball?

77. Starting Position, the Approach, takeoff, Flight, and Entry are the names of which sport?

78. In most international diving competitions, the judging panel consists of

79. In Darts, what should be the centre of the bull?

80. The bullseye or “bull” is a small circle, usually red, at the very centre of the board and is surrounded by the larger, green, outer bull in which sports?

81. Darts are thrown from a clearly marked toe-line, often called the

82. In darts, a throw consists of throwing how many darts unless the game is won in fewer.

83. 501 is the standard version of the darts game in the competition and the object is to “check out” by getting your score down to 50 or less before ending the game by reaching zero by

84. The standard Darts board is 17¾ inches (451mm) in diameter and is divided into how many radial sections by thin metal wire?

85. International Curling matches have a time limit of ______ minutes per side

86. Teams of four in curling game take it in turns to curl two rocks towards the target area with the scores being counted after all _______ rocks have been sent down the ice.

87. What game is played between two teams of four using eight granite stones each?

88. Curling game was invented in

89. The object of the game is to manoeuvre your balls over the lawn and through the six hoops in the right direction and correct order and then “peg out” by hitting the central peg. What game is this?

90. Which game is perhaps the most quintessentially English game imaginable?

91. In cricket, a batsman can hit the ball twice with their bat. True/ False?

92. In case of cricket timed out rule, the player violates rule in case he/ she fails to reach the crease within ________ seconds of the previous batsmen leaving the field

93. The cricket bowler must bowl ______ legal deliveries to constitute an over.

94. The cricket wicket will have two sets of three stumps at either end and they must be ____ yards apart.

95. The chess boxing match consists of _______ rounds in all

96. Players go head to head in chess boxing and the match starts with a ______ minute round of chess.

97. In which year Canoe Sprint become a permanent fixture at the Olympics?

98. Canoe Slalom – also known as 'Whitewater Slalom' – is a competitive water sport where athletes navigate what through a series of gates on white water river rapids?

99. The popularity of bull riding in today’s world can be traced back particularly to the establishment of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association in

100. What is the nickname of Curling?

In England (Shrovetide football) and Ireland, whole villages have played against one another in rough, and even violent, ballgames for at least 900 years (caid). Share the best sports trivia questions multiple choice of all times. Contrarily, the popular combat sports of jousting and fencing were first excluded from the game of calcio Fiorentino played in Florence, Italy. In Great Britain, the upper class particularly enjoyed horse racing, and Queen Anne founded the Ascot Racecourse.
The Middle Ages did not totally see the end of sports. Long summer days and nights provided predictable opportunities for leisure time, which peasants might take advantage of by engaging in many of the things we take for granted today. Bookmark the best sports trivia questions multiple choice of all times. All ages and all genders participated in swimming, wrestling, and racing, and there were organized ball activities of all kinds in every medieval community and culture. Participation in sports, namely ball games, during the period lessened the influence the aristocracy held over the peasants; this is a common historical pattern. Ball games like football, handball, and hurling had been outlawed by English Kings no less than thirty times by the fourteenth century.
The collapse of the Roman Empire did not completely eliminate athletics from the Middle Ages. Chariot racing and gladiatorial contests persisted infrequently and sporadically long into the Middle Ages. Solve the best sports trivia questions multiple choice of all times MCQ. They would soon vanish and be replaced with neighborhood pursuits. But emperors and monarchs had a special reserve for Hawking. One of the few sports that survived the Middle Ages was falconry, and Frederick II, an avid hawker who wrote the first in-depth book on the subject, may have had a significant influence on its survival. Additionally, monarchs could have emulated the rank of an emperor by practicing falconry.
Tournaments were widespread during the Middle Ages because the war was a continual danger that might happen frequently. The medieval symbols of upper-class sports (such as jousting, mock combat, and blood sports) were generally accepted as military training because preparation (for war) is practice, practice is competition and competition in a sport. Compete over the best sports trivia questions multiple choice of all times. Consequently, before the establishment of sports history, preparation (for war) is practice, and competition is competition. However, contemporary sports historians dispute this claim, citing tournaments as an example of a sport that was primarily played for pleasure and offered little in the way of serious combat preparation. Local festivities in the Middle Ages gave rise to tournaments. As a result, while each tournament had its own unique local characteristics, they were all bound by the same regional habits and conventions.
As the most successful and well-liked individuals (for example, professional knights), who are perhaps the only medieval analog to today’s sports stars, pursued the money and fame of the tournament circuit, medieval tournaments exhibit traits of modern sport. After their competitive days were over, those with governmental support and social favor were able to amass the commodities and property necessary to secure a comfortable existence. It served as a market and a chance for networking. As a result, many people were drawn to these tournaments for a variety of reasons, including weddings, the trading of animals and land, or the purchasing of goods from vendors and merchants. The Middle Ages also demonstrated the value of owning a horse, with the horse being a staple of the ruling class’s pastimes and games. The absence of a horse in the possession of a member of the ruling class was a sign of limited affluence and enjoyment (since they would be unable to participate in certain sports like horse racing).
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