100 General Knowledge Printable Quiz for Kids with Answers

There is learning stuff on the internet. A general knowledge quiz for kids with answers is an easy way to collect easy knowledge in order to grow common sense as well as IQ.

General knowledge quiz for kids with answers are appropriate for kids so that they can improve their level of GK beat their friends in the competition and have fun.

We picked this general knowledge quiz for kids with answers printable from reliable and authentic sources. Let’s solve the general knowledge quiz for kids with the answers below!

The Heart’s Steadfast Beat: A Lifelong Symphony

Nestled within the depths of your chest, your heart is a tireless performer in the grand symphony of life. Each day, it diligently orchestrates a rhythmic dance of beats, tallying around 100,000 heartbeats. Over the course of a year, this dedicated muscle propels the crimson tide through your veins an astonishing 36,500,000 times. Should you be fortunate enough to witness the passing of 30 years, your heart will have drummed out its relentless beat over a billion times. This astounding feat underscores the heart’s unyielding commitment to sustaining your existence, symbolizing the steady cadence of life itself.

Blood Types: Beyond ABO Classification

While the ABO blood grouping system is widely recognized and forms the basis for many discussions about blood types, there exists a broader and more nuanced classification of these life-sustaining fluids. Beyond the simplified ABO categorization of blood into types O, A, B, and AB, there are additional, less commonly known blood group systems that further distinguish individuals based on the unique characteristics of their blood. These extended blood groups, marked by rich diversity, play a vital role in medical contexts, especially when determining compatibility for blood transfusions or organ transplants.

The Olfactory Marvel: The Power of Your Sense of Smell

Delving into the realm of sensory perception, you’ll find a fascinating fact: your sense of smell stands as a true marvel of nature. It reigns supreme as the most sensitive among your sensory faculties, surpassing your sense of taste by a staggering 10,000-fold. Beyond its sheer sensitivity, smell holds a surprise: it contributes significantly to your perception of flavor. In fact, approximately 80% of what you perceive as taste is, in reality, a product of your olfactory prowess. As you savor the intricate flavors of your favorite dishes, remember that what you’re truly experiencing is a delightful marriage of taste and smell.

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Penguins: Not Just Cold-Weather Dwellers

In the collective imagination, penguins are often associated with icy landscapes and frigid waters. However, this perception is not universally accurate. While some penguin species do indeed call the polar regions home, many others reside in surprisingly warm climates. From the sunny shores of South Africa to the temperate islands of the Galápagos, diverse penguin populations have adapted to a range of environments. Their remarkable adaptability showcases the versatility of these beloved avian creatures, challenging conventional stereotypes and illuminating the rich tapestry of their global presence.

Panthers: A Colorful Conundrum in the Feline World

Within the enigmatic world of big cats, the term “panther” often conjures images of a distinct species. However, the reality is far more nuanced. Panthers, as they are commonly referred to, are not a separate species of cats but rather leopards or jaguars that bear a unique color mutation—black fur. This intriguing variation occurs due to genetic factors and results in these magnificent creatures donning a striking ebony coat. While their appearance may set them apart, panthers remain an integral part of the diverse feline family, showcasing the boundless diversity that thrives within the animal kingdom.

Flavor: The Harmonious Union of Taste and Smell

As you indulge in a delectable meal or savor the nuances of your favorite beverage, it’s important to recognize that what you perceive as flavor is, in essence, a harmonious union of taste and smell. The combination of these two sensory dimensions creates a rich and complex tapestry of flavors that tantalize your palate. So, the next time you relish a sumptuous dish or appreciate a fine wine, take a moment to appreciate the intricate choreography of your senses that brings forth the symphony of flavor.

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The Oxygen Hunger of the Enigmatic Brain

Within the captivating symphony of the human body, your brain stands as a star performer, orchestrating the complex rhythms of thought and consciousness. Yet, this enigmatic organ carries a voracious appetite for oxygen, devouring over a quarter of the body’s oxygen supply. This remarkable statistic underscores the brain’s ceaseless activity and the pivotal role it plays in your daily existence, making it a biological marvel that continues to captivate the scientific community.

Journeying Through Space: Earth’s Soaring Orbital Dance

In the grand tapestry of celestial movements, Earth embarks on a remarkable journey, hurtling through the cosmos at an astonishing speed. At an impressive 67,000 miles per hour, our planet engages in a graceful and perpetual dance around the life-giving Sun. This cosmic waltz not only shapes the changing seasons and the ebb and flow of life on Earth but also serves as a profound reminder of the profound interplay between our planet and the vast expanse of the universe beyond.

Dust: The Silent Accumulation of Dead Skin

Within the seemingly benign layers of dust that settle within your home, an intriguing and somewhat unsettling truth lurks: a substantial portion of this household dust is composed of discarded human skin cells. As a natural consequence of the body’s continuous renewal and regeneration processes, humans shed approximately 600,000 particles of skin each hour. These microscopic remnants, virtually invisible to the naked eye, become integral components of the dust that gathers on surfaces throughout your living spaces, serving as a subtle yet constant reminder of the remarkable resilience and adaptability of the human body.

The Cartilaginous Conundrum: Sharks and Their Boneless Bodies

Beneath the surface of the world’s oceans, a formidable predator reigns supreme: the shark. While these majestic creatures are known for their sleek and powerful bodies, there is a surprising absence within them—bones. Sharks belong to a group of fish known as cartilaginous fish, and their skeletons are primarily composed of cartilage rather than bones. This extraordinary adaptation, honed through millennia of evolution, allows them to navigate the aquatic realms with grace and precision, embodying the exquisite wonders of the natural world.

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The Humble Sea Sponge: A Glimpse into Evolution

Within the vast spectrum of life on Earth, one organism stands as an embodiment of simplicity: the sea sponge. Often regarded as the “least evolutionarily advanced” animal on the planet, sea sponges offer a captivating glimpse into the intricate tapestry of evolution itself. These unassuming creatures, with their basic cellular structure and timeless existence, serve as a testament to the profound diversity of life forms that have flourished on our planet, each bearing its unique place in the grand narrative of evolution.

Insects: The Unseen Multitude

Beneath our feet, in the air, and hidden within the intricate ecosystems of the world, a hidden multitude thrives—species of insects, countless in their diversity. Scientists, in their tireless efforts to understand and document life on Earth, estimate that there are between 6 to 10 million distinct species of insects. These small but astonishingly varied creatures play indispensable roles in ecosystems, serving as pollinators, decomposers, and integral components of the planet’s intricate web of life. While many remain undiscovered and unnamed, the world of insects continues to unveil its mysteries, captivating the imaginations of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.

The Earthbound Giants: Elephants and Their Missing Leap

In the rich tapestry of the animal kingdom, one creature stands apart with an extraordinary distinction—elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. Their massive bodies, adorned with sturdy legs built for stability rather than propulsion, lack the biomechanics required for the act of jumping. Despite this apparent limitation, elephants are renowned for their grace and agility in other ways, such as their remarkable trunk dexterity and their ability to traverse diverse terrains, making them the earthbound giants of the animal world.

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The Enigmatic World of REM Sleep and Dreams

The realm of sleep is a multifaceted landscape, harboring various stages and states of consciousness. Among these is the intriguing phenomenon of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a stage that constitutes approximately 25 percent of a person’s overall sleep time. During REM sleep, the brain embarks on a mysterious journey, giving rise to vivid and often surreal dreams. This stage, characterized by rapid eye movements and heightened brain activity, is a fascinating testament to the intricacies of the human mind, offering a glimpse into the enigmatic world of dreams that unfolds within the depths of slumber.

Eyelashes: The Guardians of Your Gaze

In the intricate tapestry of the human body, even the most delicate and seemingly inconspicuous features play vital roles in preserving its well-being. Consider, for instance, the humble eyelash, an essential guardian of the eyes. Each eyelash embarks on a journey that spans approximately 150 days, diligently fulfilling its role in safeguarding the delicate orbs that provide vision. Ultimately, eyelashes are not merely aesthetic adornments but rather integral components of the body’s intricate defense mechanisms, their fall marking the end of a dedicated period of service in the constant vigilance against foreign particles and environmental threats.

The Winter Symphony of Septillion Snow Crystals

As the seasons change and the world transforms, nature unveils its awe-inspiring creations. Among these marvels, the arrival of winter heralds a breathtaking transformation: the Earth cloaks itself in the delicate and intricate beauty of snow. In the midst of winter’s embrace, an astonishing spectacle unfolds as the Earth becomes adorned with an estimated 1 septillion individual crystals of snow. Each of these intricate and unique formations contributes to the creation of a glistening, white tapestry that blankets the world, evoking wonder and reverence for the exquisite artistry of nature.

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China and India: The Titans of Population

In the grand tapestry of global demographics, two nations stand as undeniable giants: China and India. China, with a staggering population of 1.398 billion, claims the title of the most populous country on Earth. Right on its heels, India, with 1.37 billion individuals calling it home, secures the second spot. These numbers, though astounding in their own right, merely hint at the unparalleled diversity and vitality that thrive within the borders of these two nations, each with a rich tapestry of culture, tradition, and human experiences.

India: A Haven for Vegetarians

While India’s population is undeniably vast, it also boasts another remarkable distinction: it is home to the largest population of vegetarians in the world. Within the kaleidoscope of India’s culinary landscape, vegetarianism isn’t merely a dietary choice; it is deeply ingrained in the cultural and religious fabric of the nation. From the delectable array of vegetarian dishes that grace its tables to the myriad festivals and traditions that celebrate meat-free lifestyles, India’s vegetarianism reflects not only a dietary preference but a profound connection to its spiritual and cultural heritage.

The Dairy Capital of the World: India’s Milk Production

As India revels in its status as the land of vegetarians, it also wears the crown of the world’s largest milk producer with pride. Across the length and breadth of the country, dairy farming is a livelihood, a tradition, and an integral part of daily life. India’s prowess in milk production extends far beyond its own borders, making it a vital player in the global dairy industry. The vast network of dairy farmers and the sheer volume of milk they contribute are testaments to India’s unwavering dedication to this essential industry.

Slumbering Beasts: The Curious Sleep Habits of Horses and Cows

Amid the splendor of the animal kingdom, horses and cows emerge as fascinating enigmas when it comes to slumber. These graceful creatures, often seen grazing peacefully in meadows or galloping through fields, possess the remarkable ability to sleep while standing up. Their unique adaptation is a testament to the complexities of the animal world, offering a glimpse into the diverse ways in which nature has equipped its inhabitants to navigate the challenges of life.

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The Ever-Evolving Features of Your Senses

Your body is an intricate canvas of continuous change, and this holds true for your sensory organs as well. Contrary to the notion of stability, your nose and ears continue to grow throughout your entire life. These gradual transformations serve as a testament to the remarkable adaptability of the human body, ensuring that your senses remain finely tuned instruments for perceiving the world around you.

The Brain’s Remarkable Weight and Energy Consumption

The human brain, a marvel of biological engineering, is a relatively small yet incredibly powerful organ. On average, an adult human brain weighs approximately three pounds or roughly 1.5 kilograms. What’s particularly astonishing is that, despite constituting only about 2% of the body’s total weight, the brain demands a significant share of its energy resources. It consumes approximately 20% of the body’s total energy expenditure, a testament to the brain’s ceaseless activity and its vital role in orchestrating countless physiological processes.

Brain’s Intricate Topography: Unraveling the Wrinkles

Embarking on a journey into the intricacies of the human brain, one would uncover a fascinating detail: the brain’s surface is anything but smooth. In fact, if you were to painstakingly smooth out all the convolutions and wrinkles on the brain’s surface, it would unfurl into a flat expanse akin to the size of a pillowcase. This revelation serves as a vivid illustration of the brain’s remarkable complexity and its capacity for housing an intricate web of neural connections that underpin your thoughts, memories, emotions, and every facet of your consciousness.

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The Telltale Tail: Deer’s Warning Signal

In the intricate language of the animal kingdom, communication is vital for survival. Among the many ways creatures convey messages, the white underside of a deer’s tail serves as a beacon of warning. When a deer senses nearby danger, it will periodically flash this white signal to alert others in its vicinity. This seemingly subtle gesture can ripple through a group of deer, providing a non-verbal means of communication that aids in their collective safety, ensuring that potential threats are acknowledged and responded to swiftly in the wild.

Dolphins: The Guardians of Wakeful Vigilance

In the serene realm of the ocean, dolphins exemplify a remarkable approach to sleep. To navigate the vast and unpredictable waters while guarding against potential dangers, dolphins employ a unique sleep strategy. These aquatic mammals close only half of their brain during rest, while the other half remains at a low level of alertness. This sleep divide allows them to maintain vigilance against predators, obstacles, or other marine creatures that may pose a threat. By alternating between brain hemispheres, dolphins ensure their safety while achieving the necessary rest to sustain their active and dynamic lives beneath the waves.

Antarctica’s Surprising Desert Status

In the realm of geographical anomalies, Antarctica takes center stage as a desert like no other. While deserts are often associated with arid, scorching landscapes, Antarctica stands as a paradoxical example. Despite its frigid, icy expanses, this continent is officially classified as a desert. The designation hinges not on the presence of sand dunes or searing heat but on a different criterion: precipitation. Antarctica receives exceptionally little precipitation, earning it the title of a polar desert. This curious classification highlights the diverse and sometimes unexpected forms that deserts can assume in the natural world.

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India’s Linguistic Diversity: A Mosaic of Languages

India, a land steeped in history, culture, and diversity, is home to a rich tapestry of languages that reflect its multifaceted identity. While Hindi and English hold the status of official languages in the country, India proudly recognizes the presence of a multitude of languages spoken throughout its vast expanse. In fact, the linguistic landscape of India encompasses a staggering 20 officially recognized languages, each representing a unique facet of the nation’s rich heritage and the diverse communities that call it home. This linguistic mosaic is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of myriad cultures and traditions within the Indian subcontinent, forging a nation that celebrates its diversity as one of its greatest strengths.

The Harmonious Dance of Heart and Music

In the realm of sensory experiences, the profound connection between music and human physiology takes center stage. When you immerse yourself in the melodies and rhythms of music, your body, too, becomes part of this captivating performance. Remarkably, your heartbeat has the remarkable ability to synchronize with the cadence of the music you’re listening to. This phenomenon is a testament to the intricate interplay between the auditory and cardiovascular systems, highlighting the profound ways in which music can influence not only your emotions but also your body’s physiological responses.

The Steady Throb of Life: Heartbeat in Numbers

The human heart, often described as the engine of life, operates with incredible precision and regularity. On average, a healthy individual’s heart beats approximately 75 times per minute, orchestrating the ceaseless circulation of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. This rhythmic throb serves as a poignant reminder of the vital role the heart plays in sustaining life, as each beat fuels the body’s countless processes, nourishing organs, tissues, and cells with the oxygen and nutrients they require to function optimally.

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The Vascular Symphony: Earth-Encircling Blood Vessels

If you were to measure the astounding capacity of the human circulatory system over the course of a year, the numbers would stagger the imagination. In just one year, a single human heart pumps a quantity of blood equivalent to filling an Olympic-length swimming pool. Furthermore, if you were to lay out all the blood vessels in the human body end to end, they would collectively span a distance capable of encircling the Earth not once, but an astonishing four times. These figures underscore the sheer magnitude of the circulatory system’s role in ensuring the body’s health and vitality.

Blood Types: A Diverse Mosaic of Human Physiology

Within the intricate realm of human biology, the classification of blood types represents a multifaceted mosaic. While most people are familiar with the common ABO blood group system, it’s a revelation to discover that the categorization of human blood types is a complex and evolving field. Presently, there are approximately 30 recognized blood types, which extend beyond the ABO system to encompass a diverse array of blood groups. This intricate classification system, the result of extensive scientific study, plays a pivotal role in medicine, transfusion compatibility, and our understanding of the multifaceted nature of human physiology and genetics.

Earth’s Age and the Skin’s Protective Shield

In exploring the natural world and the marvels of human biology, one encounters intriguing facts that bridge both realms. The Earth, our ancient and resilient planetary home, boasts a staggering age of approximately 4.5 billion years, a testament to its enduring existence in the cosmos. Conversely, the human body harbors its own remarkable feature: the skin, the body’s largest organ.

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While it may not rival the Earth’s age, the skin serves as a crucial protective shield. Its outermost layer, known as the epidermis, attains its greatest thickness at the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, measuring approximately 1.5 millimeters. This robust yet flexible barrier defends the body against external threats, underscoring the body’s ability to adapt and protect itself in the dynamic tapestry of existence.

General knowledge quiz for kids with answers

1. Genghis Khan ruled which country?


2. How many colored balls are there in billiards?


The game is played with 22 balls, made up of one white ball (the cue ball), 15 red balls, and six numbered colored balls including one yellow 2, one green 3, one brown 4, one blue 5, one pink 6, and one black (valued at 7 points).

3. What is a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired?


4. Food is either cooled or warmed to a suitable temperature in the mouth. T/F?


5. Which award has the words for valor on it?

Victoria Cross

6. Angel falls Venezuela Highest but where second Highest?

Yosemite USA

7. How did George II die?

Fell off toilet

8. How many different types of bowling balls are there?

There are three types of bowling balls used in today’s game: plastic, urethane, and reactive.

9. Viticulture is the growing of what plants?


10. Feet has how many sweat glands and can produce more than a pint of sweat a day?


11. Who wrote the children’s novel Swallows and Amazons?

Arthur Ransom

12. On television what was Flipper?


13. What is the biggest canal in the world?

Hangzhou Grand Canal (Grand Canal)

14. Which country grows the most fruit?


15. Every person has a unique tongue print. T/F?


16. Who painted “The Last Supper”?

Leonardo da Vinci

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17. Who was the Roman goddess of the hearth?


18. From what age, do humans gradually begin to shrink in size?


19. What is the state capital of New Jersey?


20. What is the moral story of a mariner written by William Wordsworth?

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

21. The atoms that make up your body are mostly empty space, despite there being so many of them, without that space you would compress into a tiny volume. T/F?


22. Which animal lays eggs?

Duck-billed platypus

23. What does an alopecia sufferer lack?


24. What is the capital of Morocco?


25. As of 2021, what is the biggest ship in the world?

Seawise Giant

26. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill

two swimming pools

27. Who was the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite?


28. Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans?

Judas Iscariot

29. What is the oldest swimming stroke?

Breaststroke (16th century)

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30. Linus Torvalds invented and wrote what?

Linux computer (operating system)

31. Collective nouns – A bloat of what?


32. Which Athenian philosopher wrote nothing – immortalized by Plato?


33. What was the first James Bond book?

Casino Royale

34. Universal Studios Hollywood was founded in which year?


35. What is the common name for the star Sirius?

Dog Star

36. In America what color is the Green Card?


37. The bander macaque has which commoner name?

Rhesus Monkey

38. What would you do with a Yashmak?

Wear it – it’s an Arab veil

39. Who was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect?

Leonardo da Vinci

40. What links – Goa – Kerala – Assam – Bihar?


41. If uncoiled, the DNA in all the cells in your body would stretch 10 billion miles, from here to ____ and back.


42. Who discovered radium?

The Curies

43. Ageusia is the loss of which sense?


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44. What kind of animal is a lurcher?


45. What digit does not exist in Roman Numerals?


46. Humans share 50% of their DNA with what?


47. The Disney Land was established in which year?

July 17, 1955, Anaheim, California, United States

48. Who was the first man in space?

Yuri Gagarin

49. The Sundarbans is a UNESCO heritage, and the largest mangrove forests, situated in

India and Bangladesh

50. Which country do Sinologists study?


51. Humans have the ability to differentiate about how many odors?


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52. Who wrote the character, Tarzan?

Edgar Rice Burroughs

53. Jagger, Richards, Wyman, Jones, Watts, Stewart – which band?

The Rolling Stones

54. What is the currency of Austria?


55. How many colored pieces are there on the cardboard?


56. Who wrote Gulliver’s Travels (both names)?

Jonathon Swift

57. Alan Stuart Konigsberg famous as who?

Woody Allen

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58. Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and crayfish have 200. T/F?


59. Where in your body is your patella?

Knee ( it’s the kneecap )

60. Portugal has had six Kings with what the first name what?


61. Glabella is the space between your what?


62. What animal lives in a drey?


63. What is Islam equal to the Red Cross?

Red Crescent

64. What are the only primates that don’t have pigment in the palms of their hands?


65. Which is the first language in the world?


66. Who wrote The Jungle Book?

Rudyard Kipling

67. Which country set up the world’s first chemistry lab in 1650?


68. What on our skin is caused by the pull of muscles attached to hair follicles and makes the hair upright?


69. Aer Lingus is the national airline of which country?

Republic of Ireland or Eire

70. How did Alfred Nobel make the money he invented?


71. Muhammad (PBUH) is the prophet of which religion?


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72. What are the only mammals that cannot swallow and breathe at the same time?


73. What color is Spock’s blood?


74. What links the names Botvinik, Tal, Karpov, Fischer?

Chess World Champs

75. How many pieces of dice are there on the cardboard?

A carrom set contains 19 pieces (striker not included)

76. What martial arts name means gentle way?


77. What links – Dhaka- Rajshahi – Chottogram – Sylhet?


78. What are the best long-distance runners on the planet? Better than any four-legged animal?


79. Zambia and Zimbabwe used to be called what?


80. Who was the first man to run a sub-four-minute mile?

Roger Bannister

81. What are bioluminescent and glow-in-the-dark? The light that we emit is 1,000 times weaker than our human eyes are able to pick up?


82. Rene Laennac invented which aid for doctors in 1810?


83. What is the oldest religion in the world?


84. What is the staple food of one-third of the world’s population?


85. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.T/F


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86. Where is the largest sea beach in the world?


87. What are Munros?

Mountains in Scotland

88. What color is vermilion?

a shade of Red

89. Who created the children’s land of Narnia and Lion Witch Wardrobe?

Clive Staples Lewis

90. Jean Claude Killy is famous for which sport?


91. King Zog ruled which country?


92. What is the national flower of Japan?


93. Identical twins have identical DNA but not identical


94. Who wrote the Harry Potter books?

J. K. Rowling

95. What is the oldest country in the world?

Republic of San Marino

96. Kimberlite contains what precious item?


97. Which car company makes the Celica?


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98. What is the oldest language in the world?


99. How many rings are on the Olympic flag?


100. What was the world’s first X-rated cartoon?

Fritz the cat

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