Are you a huge fan of the free Marvel movie trivia quiz multiple choice questions answer MCQ test related to amazing movies? Have you seen your favorite marvel movie yet and is confident to solve puzzles and quiz related to this? You’ve arrived at the MCQ quiz section – give it a try now. Then take this quiz to test your knowledge of the entire movie franchise! Obviously, there are more elusive people in this quiz How well do you know about this Marvel movie trivia quiz multiple choice questions answer MCS test? Take our Marvel Movie Quiz, which will test your knowledge of the galaxies, the Avengers, the Thor, Guardians, and whatnot!
Film fans should nail it. Avengers: Infinity War has finally been released and has probably taken a huge hit at the box office long enough. Marvel movies are also produced individually in their own separate “worlds” – this is obviously in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’ve finally reached the endgame, the hugely-anticipated new Avengers film with its inaugural run at the box office record. The fourth Avengers movie – and 22nd in the hugely successful Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) – broke the box office barrier broke 1bn (£ 770m).

Only someone who has watched every Marvel movie can pass this Trivia Quiz. It requires every aspect of your being. This quiz is so tight that it will bathe the stars in your blood. Can you identify one of the most iconic films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe … Search our marvel movie quiz below! Play Marvel movie trivia quiz multiple choice questions answer MCS test, the world’s largest quiz community. There’s a Marvel Movie Quiz for everyone. Spoiler alert: This Marvel Cinematic Universe movie quiz is solid. Only a Marvel movie can do that. So grab your popcorn, grab a chair and find out if your superpower knows all the Marvel movies with this quiz. This quiz can include any of the 19 films released including sequels across all Marvel teams. So, are you up for the challenge?
30 Marvel Movie Trivia Quiz Multiple Choice Questions MCQ Test
1. Who is Bruce Banner's love interest in 'The Incredible Hulk'?
2. Which actor voices Thanos?
3. What does Rhomann Dey call Star-Lord when he arrests him?
4. "I had a little problem with... substances, and I, uh, ended up doing things, no two ways about it, in the street, that a man shouldn't do." who said it?
5. "As far as I'm concerned, that man's whole body is property of the U.S. army." who said?
6. Name this alien race that appeared in 'Guardians of the Galaxy.'
7. "You've been asleep, Cap. For almost 70 years." who said it?
8. What kind of food does Tony Stark suggest the Avengers eat after saving New York in 'The Avengers'?
9. What's the name of the group of soldiers who fight alongside Captain America in World War II?
10. Nova Prime holds authority over this planet seen in 'Guardians of the Galaxy.'
11. What is the name of Thanos' territory?
12. Which Infinity Stone is red?
13. What is the name of the Star-Lord's mother?
14. In which film does the weapon Tesseract first appear?
15. In 'Avenger: Age of Ultron', who managed to pick up Thor's hammer?
16. What is the "one thing on earth" that Pepper Potts is allergic to?
17. In "Thor: The Dark World", Loki takes the form of which avenger?
18. In the movie "The Avengers", what S.H.I.E.L.D. agent does Black Widow say "First brought her into the fold"?
19. What is the name of the villain in "Ant-Man"?
20. What is the name of the women special forces serving Wakanda in "Black Panther" movie?
21. Which war did Captain America fight in?
22. Who is the main villain of the movie "Spider Man: Homecoming"?
23. Which character died in "Avengers: Age of Ultron"
24. Spider Man's first appearance in the MCU was in which movie?
25. What is the main character of the movie "The Black Panther"?
26. Who helped to retrieve Yondu's Yaka Arrow Controller when he was held captive in 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2'?
27. What is the name of Thor's hammer?
28. What is Hawkeye's real name?
29. What is Captain America's shield made of?
30. Which is the first movie released in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Interesting marvel movie facts
Fun facts might be fantastic to share with the family, design a quiz, or stimulate an interest in reading Marvel comics, whether you are a Marvel encyclopedia or new to Marvel. You’ll find interesting facts about Iron Man, Marvel comics, crossovers, and more in this list of trivia.
These Marvel facts are sure to raise some eyebrows; the Marvel Universe is a peculiar world…
1. In the Marvel world, there are two Infinity Gauntlets, one of which may be found in Odin’s treasure chest for the right hand. Thanos is following the one on the left.
2. Bucky Barns, Captain America’s best friend, was in charge of preparing Romanoff to be an assassin when he was brainwashed. Bucky taught Natasha the abilities she’d need to become Black Widow in the future.
3. Benedict Cumberbatch plays the deadly monster Dormammu in Doctor Strange. Even worse, Cumberbatch didn’t do the character’s voice, and no voice actor is mentioned for Dormammu’s voice; it’s still a mystery who did it!

4. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has its own news station, which uploads videos about the MCU on YouTube.
5. The biblical verse Ezekial 25:17 is carved onto Nick Fury’s tomb. It’s a nod to the character played by Samuel L. Jackson in the film Pulp Fiction.
6. The opening of Spiderman: Homecoming was influenced by Tom Holland’s Instagram and informal vlogging.
7. Real military cops were used as extras in the Avengers raid on New York scenario. There were perhaps 25 of the present.
8. Cap has a list of things he wants to catch up on in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Depending on where you see the movie, different objects will display on the list!

9. Because he was a more prolific actor, Terrance Howard was paid more than Robert Downey Jr. for his role as James Rhodes in the original Iron Man. Iron Man earned Robert Downey Jr. $2.5 million, while Terrance Howard earned between $3.5 and $4.5 million.
10. Because Black Panther was being shot at the same time as Infinity Battle, the screenwriters for Infinity War were unaware of the Wakanda war cries. The actors started performing it on set when the Black Panther cast went over to film, so it was included in Infinity War.
11. Spoilers for movies, like this list, are unavoidable at times. Tom Holland, on the other hand, had an issue with accidentally disclosing spoilers. He was given a screenplay for Infinity War with only his lines available!
12. Amalgam comic books merged a Marvel and a DC superhero. Dark Claw, for example, is a character created by Batman and Wolverine.
13. Infinity War takes occurs over the course of only two days.

14. Through an Instagram post, Tom Holland learned that he had been cast in the role of Spider-Man.
15. Marvel Studios trademarked the term “zombies” in 1973.
16. Captain America was originally only written after 2 hours in the film Infinity War. When the screenwriters realized what had happened, they had to go back and add him!
17. Nick Fury’s Busy Week: Nick Fury is always busy, but in the Marvel universe, Thor, Iron Man 2, and The Incredible Hulk all came out in the same week!
18. Because Samuel L. Jackson was unavailable, Agent Phil Coulson only featured in the first Thor film and was never planned to be a recurring character.
19. The statement “He’s a work buddy” from Thor: Ragnarok went viral on social media, earning it legendary status in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A toddler visiting the set proposed it to Chris Hemsworth in between shoots.
20. The Avengers movie’s end credit scene was inserted considerably later than the filming, thus the cast had already begun work on other projects. Chris Evans used a prosthetic jaw since he had grown a beard for a separate job.
21. A script was prepared with Groot’s language (consisting of just “I am groot” and the occasional “We are groot”) translated into English for the film Guardians of the Galaxy.

22. A villain in Marvel comics is described as a brick wall. This enemy, known as ‘The Wall,’ first appeared in Spider-Man comics.
23. Peter Porker is a Spider-pig who originally appeared in 1983 comic. Before Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, there was Peter Porker.
24. The Marvel Cinematic Universe was founded by Marvel Studios (owned by Disney), which produces Marvel films. The X-men were owned by 20th Century Fox, the studio behind the X-men films. However, given Disney’s recent acquisition of Fox, we’re hoping for a Black Panther/Wolverine battle.
25. In the comics, Black Widow is well over 70 years old. She looks young thanks to serum and technique identical to Captain America’s.
26. Doctor Doom, a Marvel villain, inspired Darth Vader.
27. Robert Downing Jr. concealed food on the sets of nearly every Marvel picture so he could eat while they were filming. If you see Iron Man munching on anything in the movie, it wasn’t probably written.

28. Despite the fact that Iron Man is a billionaire, King T’Challa is worth more than 5 times that of Tony Stark, making Black Panther the richest Avenger.
A replica of Marvel’s Spiderman cowering on a London office ceiling.
29. Ms. Marvel is a Pakistani teenager named Kamala Khan. She is the first Pakistani superhero in the Marvel Universe!
30. In 2009, Marvel Comics released a comic in which the characters are animals based on the real-life Avengers, such as Throg, who is a frog.
31. To pay homage to the iconic sequence in Star Wars where Luke Skywalker loses his right hand, Marvel filmmakers ensured that at least one limb was lost or damaged in each Phase 2 film.
32. Captain Marvel Jr’s hairdo was inspired by Elvis Presley.

33. When Wakanda emerges on a map of S.H.E.I.L.D. in the second Iron Man film, we get our first sight of its existence.
34. “The Fuhrer is too busy hunting for treasures in the desert,” Red Skull states in Captain America: The First Avenger. This is a reference to the Nazis digging up the Ark of the Covenant in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.
35. ‘Damage Control’ is a crew tasked with repairing structures after the Avengers’ struggles against evil have left them in ruins.
36. Marvel has controlled the Men In Black franchise since 1994.
37. ‘Just A Rather Very Intelligent System’ is the acronym for J.A.R.V.I.S., which stands for ‘Just A Rather Very Intelligent System.’
38. Iron Man’s Robert Downey Jr. and Aunt May’s Marisa Tomei dated for a long time. He suggested her for the part of Aunt May.
39. “We’ve got greater things to worry about in the South West,” Nick Fury states in Iron Man 2, referring to the finding of Thor’s hammer. Fury had a really busy week!

40. When a big green monster falls from the sky in The Avengers, a farmer asks Bruce Banner, “Are you an alien?” which is a valid inquiry. The farmer (played by Harry Dean Stanton) was a member of the crew in the original Alien film, therefore the line is a tribute to that!
41. Most individuals don’t start smoking marijuana until they’re in their twenties (or never), but Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr, did it at the age of six! While many parents were trying to keep their children away from narcotics, RDS was offering his little son RDJ reefer.
42. Robert Downey Jr grew up after being exposed to drugs at a young age and had a public struggle with drugs and alcohol in the early 2000s.
43. We’ve all had excellent, awful, or interesting first jobs, but Hulk may have beaten us to it. When he was just 20 years old, he got his first gig in a Clearasil ad.
44. Scarlett Johansson has a brother and a sister! Hunter Johansson, her twin brother, is three minutes older than she is. He’s also a part-time actor who has been on Entertainment Tonight a few times throughout the years.
45. Chris Evans is a full musical aficionado. In an interview, Chris stated: “When I first moved here in the early 2000s, there were rumors that Spielberg may do a remake of West Side Story. One of my favorite musicals is that one. It was something I did in high school.”
46. Larson began performing when she was nine years old. She got her start on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno making false TV advertisements, and then she became Captain Marvel 20 years later. 21 Jump Street was her first major acting role.
47. Tom Hiddleston tried out for the other son of Odin, Thor, before becoming the second best Marvel villain.
48. Tom Holland learned he was portraying Spider-Man after reading a message on the internet. In classic Tom Holland form, the Spider-Man: Homecoming star discovered the news the same way the rest of us did: online. Marvel didn’t even call Tom before making the news, according to Tom.

49. Chris Evans is an accomplished tap dancer. He also seemed to like being pummeled.
50. In addition, Chris appeared in a Marilyn Manson song video. “Tainted Love” was the title of the song. It’s a cover of a Soft Cell song from the 1980s. Not Another Teen Movie, in which Evans appeared, featured Manson’s rendition.
51. Chris Hemsworth competed on Australia’s version of Dancing With the Stars. Yes, he was prancing about with Australian celebs before he was prancing around with a hammer.
52. Robert Downey Jr. was a guest on Saturday Night Live. He was only on the show for a year, and people haven’t been nice to him. He’s widely regarded as one of the worst cast members of all time on Saturday Night Live.
53. Brie Larson grew up watching Disney movies. Courtney Enders was portrayed by a young Brie Larson in the Disney Channel original Right On Track. “Let the record indicate that I have been dedicated to transformations for my art since 2003,” Brie said. Right on Track is definitely streaming on Disney+, so take advantage of it.

54. Benedict Cumberbatch was once abducted and held captive under duress. He was doing a BBC show called To the Ends of the Earth in South Africa in 2005. At gunpoint, he and his pals were apprehended, taken to the middle of nowhere, and put outside the vehicle.
55. Chris Hemsworth’s first job was unusual to say the least. Chris said that his introduction into the job was unlike anything anyone had ever heard of when appearing on an episode of The Tonight Show.
56. The tumor on Ruffalo’s brain. Mark Ruffalo was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2001. Sure, they were able to remove it, but he lost all hearing in one of his ears in the process.
57. Brie Larson also played a member of the Six Chicks in 13 Going On 30. Is it possible to find her in this photograph? Take a peek at the girl in the blue shirt on the far right of the shot. That’s Captain Marvel for you!
58. In a film directed by his father, RDJ had his first acting role. At the time, Robert was just 5 years old. He was also clearly a really attractive young man. Take a look at that golden hair, isn’t tiny Iron Man cute?
59. A jazz album was recorded by Robert Downey Jr. It’s actually rather excellent as well! Downey isn’t Miles Davis, but he’s not awful for a superhero when it comes to singing.

60. Chris Evans made his acting debut in the film *Biodiversity Wild About Life! I’m not sure how, but I’m sure I’ll find a way to view this! It reminds me of those old instructive films that we were forced to watch in high school.
61. Scarlett Johansson also dabbled in singing, releasing an album in the process. That’s two albums! Scarlett recorded the CD Anywhere I Lay My Head, which has Tom Waits cover songs. She’s also working on a project with Pete Yorn.
62. Mark Ruffalo suffers with dyslexia. Mark is one of a number of celebrities that suffer with dyslexia. As a result, activities like reading and understanding are considerably more challenging for Mark. He has always been a supporter of the cause and works to raise awareness about it.
63. Brie Larson isn’t a native English speaker. Brie Larson is a multilingual actress, in case you didn’t know. In her family, she grew up speaking French: “My first language was French. And it’s something that, as I grew older and began to acquire more English, I began to lose more and more of my ability to speak French.”
64. Jeremy Renner began his career as a makeup artist in Hollywood. “I could handle makeup since I used to work in the theater… I could paint and sketch, so I thought to myself, ‘OK, I’ll apply cosmetics on females all day…’ Because I just worked a few hours a week, it gave me a lot of free time to go audition when I wanted to.”

65. Throughout middle and high school, Mark Ruffalo wrestled. He wasn’t rumored to be half-bad either! Mark merely left the wrestling team to pursue his ambition of becoming an actor. I suppose you could say things went well for Mark, wouldn’t you say?
66. Scarlett Johansson was married to a Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) superhero. Okay, so the verdict is still out on whether or not Deadpool will be featured in the MCU. Which is probably a good idea, given Scarlett’s previous marriage to Ryan Renolds.
67. Jesse McCartney’s Beautiful Soul tour included Brie Larson. At first, I mistook Brie Larson’s post for a joke aimed at Haim. The Captain Marvel star wasn’t kidding when he said that. “Finally Out of P.E.” was the title of an EP she released.
68. In his leisure time, RDJ practices martial arts. Wing Chun, to be precise. “Wing Chun provides a sense of security and self-defense. It increases your concentration in the marvel movie quiz. It just does a great deal. It gives you the feeling of being a part of something you like.”

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