114 Valentines Day Trivia For Elementary Students

Valentines day trivia. It got here to be celebrated as a day of romance from concerning the 14th century. There have been a number of Christian martyrs named Valentine and the day who could have taken its identity from a priest who was martyred about 270 BCE by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus which is found in this valentines day trivia. This Valentines day trivia tells about Lupercalia who survived the initial rise of Christianity, however, she was outlawed—because it was deemed “un-Christian”–at the finish of the fifth century, when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine’s Day. It was not till a lot later, nonetheless, that the day turned definitively related to love.

Having a specific Valentine’s Day is a really outdated custom, thought to have originated from a Roman pageant, you would find this interesting fact in this Valentines day trivia. The Romans had a pageant known as Lupercalia in the course of February – formally the beginning of their springtime. It is thought that as a part of the celebrations, boys drew names of ladies from a field. Valentine (Noun) is an expression of affection, particularly romantic affection, often within the type of greeting card, reward, or message given to an individual the thing of affection, particularly on February 14th. Such an extravagant valentine was surprising here in Valentines day trivia.

Valentine the Saint was an actual person. Valentine’s Day honors the memory of Saint Valentine, a Roman priest who was beheaded in 460 AD after Emperor Claudius Gothicus forbade weddings. Valentine was a practicing Christian. Saint Valentine, who wrote letters to Claudius’ daughter with the signature “from your Valentine,” is remembered through the custom of sending love letters and greeting cards to your spouse or significant other.

Valentine’s Day was a means for Christians to take over a pagan holiday. Valentine’s Day may have been created by Christians to replace an ancient fertility celebration that goes back to the sixth century BC, according to History.com. Priests would kill goats and dogs during the Lupercalia celebration and use the animals’ blood-soaked skins to slap women in the streets as a fertility blessing (how romantic).

A mythological Roman God, Cupid. Another representation of love, Cupid, has roots in Greek mythology but was not aware of Valentine’s Day until the 1800s. According to tradition, Cupid was the progeny of Venus, the goddess of love, and Mercury, the gods’ eagle-borne messenger. He was the Roman counterpart of the Greek deity Eros, the god of all forms of love.

Valentines day Questions Trivia For Elementary Students, and Seniors

1. The God of Love in Roman Mythology is called what?

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2. Who said, "God's sake hold your tongue and let me love"?

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John Donne

3. Rosa 'Ingrid Bergman' is

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A Rose

4. What does S.W.A.L.K stand for?

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Sealed With A Loving Kiss

5. The God of Love in Greek Mythology is called what?

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6. What was first created by Pope Gelasius in 500 AD, then deleted from the Roman Calendar of Saints by Pope Paul Vl in 1969?

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St Valentine’s Day

7. Which of these languages does “Te Amo” NOT mean “I Love You”?

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8. Is the Valentine's day the biggest holiday for the flower industry in the U.S.?

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9. "Valentine" was the name given to which kind of early Christian?

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10. What is the "love drug" in chocolate that triggers the release of the same chemicals in the human body as falling in love?

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11. Pat Austin is a

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12. According to the Legenda Aurea, or The Golden Legend, a fictional work written by Jacobus de Voragine around 1260 AD, who wrote the very first Valentine’s message on the eve of his execution?

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St Valentine

13. Who gets the most valentines?

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14. "Je t'aime!" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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15. According to Statistic Brain, what's a more popular gift in the U.S. - flowers or candy?

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16. Some roses grow into a fruit. What is it called?

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17. What would Juliet's name have been if she had married Romeo?

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Juliet Montague

18. In 1835, how many Valentine's cards were sent in Britain, in spite of high post costs?

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19. “The Power of Love” was a top 20 hit for which of the following?

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Jennifer Rush

20. Who did the fictional St Valentine send his message to?

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he daughter of his jailer.

21. Red Passion is a kind of gift for Valentine. What is this?

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22. What sign of the zodiac would you be if you were born on Valentine's Day?

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23. Who was the legendary Benedictine monk who invented champagne?

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Dom Perignon.

24. Who is the first poet known to have written: “Roses are red, violets are blue”?

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Edmund Spencer

25. What's the 2nd most popular flower on Valentine's day after the rose?

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26. What had St Valentine allegedly done for his jailer’s daughter?

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Cured her blindness

27. Which was Shakespeare’s most romantic play?

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Romeo and Juliet

28. According to Roman mythology, Cupid is the son of which goddess?

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29. What was this fictional St Valentine being executed for?

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Performing marriages in secret, against the wishes of the emperor.

30. How many million Valentine's cards (approximately) are sent in the U.S. each year?

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31. What is considered to be the language of love?

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32. Around half of the wedding proposals in the U.S. happen on Valentine's day. True/ False?

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33. As well as being the unofficial patron saint of love, what occupation is St Valentine also believed to be the patron of?

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Bee keepers

34. If a woman sees a Robin on Valentine’s Day, what kind of man is she said to marry?

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35. "Ti amo" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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36. In 2018, how many Americans decided to eat out on Valentine's day?

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37. Valentine's Day began in which country?

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38. The British Museum holds a letter believed to be the oldest valentine still in existence. Who wrote it?

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Charles d’Orléans

39. "Jeg elsker deg" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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40. How many people in the U.S. plan to buy Valentine's gifts for their pets, according to Bing?

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41. True or False - Men buy more Valentine's Day cards than women.

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42. Today we associate love with the heart, but this wasn’t always the case. In medieval times, which internal organ was believed to cause love?

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The liver

43. How much does an average American spend on Valentine's day?

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An average of $142 on a Valentine's Day present for their significant other

44. Oxytocin can build attachments to friends & family members as well as romantic partners. True/ False?

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45. Which one of these celebrities appeared on the dating game show Blind Date before they were famous?

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Amanda Holden

46. In the 18th century, sailors used to give their wives and girlfriends a "busk valentine." What was this?

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A Piece of carved whalebone or driftwood, which they'd wear to stiffen their corsets.

47. "Ik houd van je" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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48. What effect does oxytocin crossing dopamine pathways have on the feelings of love?

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it interrupts love's euphoric state & builds attachment

49. Which of the following is NOT considered an aphrodisiac?

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50. Which Shakespearian character said "Good morrow". 'Tis St. Valentine's Day?

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51. In which year did Pope Gelasius declare February 14th to be St. Valentine’s Day?

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498 AD

52. Jealous of Psyche’s beauty, Venus asked Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with some mean and horrible men, but her plan backfired. What happened instead?

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Cupid and Psyche fell in love with each other

53. Endorphins not only help develop feelings of attachment but also

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reduce stress, calm anxiety, relieve pain

54. Which one of these can you NOT hire as a wedding venue?

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Windsor Castle

55. A poem called The Parliament of Fowls, which describes a man’s dream of Cupid preparing his arrows in the Temple of Venus, is usually held to be the first cultural link between St Valentine and romance. Who wrote the poem?

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Geoffrey Chaucer

56. In Japan, what do women give men on Valentine’s Day?

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57. What is the term used when two people on a date pay for their own meals?

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Going Dutch

58. "Is breá liom tú" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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59. What is a Vinegar Valentine?

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A spoof or sarcastic parody of a real Valentine’s message

60. There is a town in the US called Valentine. Which state is it in?

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61. That stage from about 6 months to the first year of a new relationship is called:

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The Honeymoon Phase

62. "Minä rakastan sinua" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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63. Nigella is not only the name of a cook, it’s the name of a flower, but what is its common name?

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Love in a Mist

64. If you’re quick to show your feelings, where do you wear your heart?

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On your sleeve

65. "я люблю тебя" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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66. What colour M & M is thought to be an aphrodisiac?

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67. Endorphins are released to help build feelings of attachment after about how long?

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6 months to a year

68. "أحبك" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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69. Who said, “Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all”?

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Alfred Lord Tennyson

70. Which Shakespeare play features Valentine and Proteus?

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The Two Gentlemen of Verona.

71. "我愛你" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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72. "Ami Tomake Bhalobashi" is the meaning of "I Love You" in which language?

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73. Norepinephrine not only gets released during the attraction, but also during

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Fight or flight response

74. Complete this line from My Heart Will Go On: "Far across the distance and _____ between us"

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75. What is the approximate date of the first Valentine ever sent?

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76. What is the heart made of in the famous Neil Young's song?

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77. "I'm so in love I cannot eat or sleep!" this situation is caused by

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Increased dopamine levels

78. Who led the Chicago gangsters behind the St Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929?

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Al Capone

79. What about the catchy Blondie's song from 1978, what is the heart made of?

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80. Jane Austen wrote about the love story of Mr. Darcy and _________.

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Elizabeth Bennett

81. Which symbol does New York’s Empire State Building illuminate on every Valentine’s Day?

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A heart

82. giddiness around someone we like, decreased appetite and inability to stop thinking about another person are the outcome of the chemical reaction of what?

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83. One of Selena Gomez's songs is called The Heart Needs What It Needs. True/ False?

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84. What kind of heart does Sia sing about in her 2013 hit?

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85. Who played the title role in the film Shirley Valentine?

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Pauline Collins

86. What is one way that nature ensures humans reproduce and continue the survival of our species?

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Through chemical reactions that make us feel Love

87. Which Gossip Girl did Deadpool actor Ryan Reynolds marry?

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Blake Lively

88. ____ of My Heart is one of the most known Sting's songs.

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89. Portia de Rossi is the wife of _______.

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Ellen DeGeneres

90. Which singer had a Top Ten hit, in 1961, with Cupid?

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Sam Cooke

91. The word "heart" is NOT mentioned in Adele's When We Were Young. True/ False?

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92. Scientifically, the heart is responsible for the feelings of love we experience. True/ False

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93. Which Scottish poet wrote A Red, Red Rose?

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Robbie Burns

94. British Prince Harry found true love with the Californian actress _______.

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Meghan Markle

95. In the Twilight series, Bella Swan married which Cullen?

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96. Dependence on another person, impulse control, and overpowering feelings of love causes of the chemical reactions of what?

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97. What was the name of the small heart-shaped sweets, manufactured by Swizzel, which had short romantic messages printed on them?

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Love Hearts

98. Who survived the initial rise of Christianity but was outlawed—as it was deemed “un-Christian”–at the end of the 5th century, when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine's Day?

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99. Every year, around 9 million people buy their pets as a

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Valentine’s Day gift

100. Oxytocin is released in men after they first see their newborn child. True/ False?

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101. Daffodil can be toxic for other flowers in a vase. Which flower has a similar "side-effect"?

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102. February 14th is the second-largest card-giving day of the year, just after

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103. Which was one of the first to mass-produce a Valentine’s Day card, all the way back in 1913?

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104. Oxytocin is a hormone that has been given what nickname due to its effect on people in love?

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The Cuddle Hormone

105. What European country is famous, among other things, for its amazing tulip fields?

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106. In 2015, What percentage of women send themselves flowers?

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107. Norepinephrine is a chemical released during attraction that may also cause

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The Palms to Sweat

108. Southern France, in its turn, attracts many tourists with these fields. What flower is that?

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109. Valentine's Day is named after Saint Valentine, a Catholic priest who lived in Rome in which Century?

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The 3rd century

110. The word "aster" comes from Ancient Greek. What does it mean?

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111. Who started Valentine's Day?

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112. Phenylethylamine, a chemical that makes you feel "head over heels," is also found in what food?

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113. In 1993, Nirvana recorded a song named after a flower. Which one?

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114. Thistle is the national symbol of which country?

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On Valentine’s Day, a prisoned Duke was the first to send a love letter. Charles of Orleans, a French medieval duke, wrote his wife the first Valentine’s letter ever documented in 1415. I am already weary of love, My very lovely Valentine, he said in the letter, which he sent when he was being held captive in the Tower of London.

Valentine’s Day cards weren’t customary until 1849. Valentine’s Day cards weren’t traditionally sent until the 1800s when Worcester, Massachusetts-based publisher Esther Howland released the first one in 1849. In 1913, Hallmark started making Valentine’s Day cards; major manufacturing followed in 1916.

Cadbury produced the first chocolates for Valentine’s Day. In 1861, Cadbury became the first corporation to sell heart-shaped chocolate boxes in an effort to commemorate love. Presently, about 36 million heart-shaped chocolate boxes, or over 26 million kilos of chocolate, are sold annually.

For Valentine’s Day, more than 220 million flowers are purchased. In the UK, 224 million roses are cultivated and sold on Valentine’s Day, with over 75% being purchased by males.

Still, Juliet gets tens of thousands of letters. Each year, thousands of letters addressed to Juliet are delivered to Verona, Italy, as a tribute to Shakespeare’s celebrated play Romeo and Juliet. The Juliet Club volunteers respond to each letter, and they present the “Cara Giulietta” (“Dear Juliet”) Award to the most romantic writer.

Initially, flowers were delivered as a nonverbal expression of affection. King Charles II of Sweden originated the concept of delivering flowers as a nonverbal communication tool. Each flower had its own meaning, and they were utilized to communicate romantically without using words. As love is linked to marriage and procreation, flowers were initially offered as a sign of fertility on February 14 in the 15th and 16th centuries.

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Originally, heart-shaped candies were throat lozenges. You might believe that Swizzels’ is responsible for the invention of heart-shaped candies for Valentine’s Day, however, the first heart-shaped candies were lozenges made by a US pharmacist by the name of Oliver Chase. The therapeutic candies soon started to be connected with the celebration of love when his brother Daniel started printing them with love-themed slogans.

Japanese women are the ones who provide gifts. The roles have reversed. On Valentine’s Day in Japan, women traditionally initiate contact by presenting men honmei-choco, handcrafted chocolate. On March 14, known as “White Day,” men show their love for their partners by giving them white chocolate and other white presents.

In Finland and Estonia, friendship wins out in the end. On February 14, Finland and Estonia observe Friends Day, which is comparable to Galentine’s Day. Everyone receives cards and presents, from friends to neighbors. Valentine’s Day is still observed in both nations as a common day for engagements, nevertheless. Singles in Estonia can also board the Love Bus in the hopes of running across a potential love interest.

It is a common day for marriage proposals. Every year on Valentine’s Day, over 10,000 people in the UK make romantic proposals to their relationships. Christmas Day tops the list of special days to get down on one knee, therefore it is not the most popular day for proposing. Jewelry sales make the most money as Valentine’s gifts, according to a poll by jeweler James Allen, which found that 43% of millennials believe Valentine’s Day to be the most romantic day for marriage proposals.

The UK invests a lot of money in love. Valentine’s Day spending in the UK hit a new high of £855 million in 2020, up from £853 million in 2019 and £726 million in 2018. (Statistica). On Valentine’s Day, males spent an average of £40 on their significant other, while women spent an average of £24, however this is anticipated to fall by about 33% this year.

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