Newton’s laws of motion are three physical laws that, collectively, laid the inspiration for classical mechanics. Multiple-choice questions on laws of motion with answers can give a good conception of the law as well as its utility.
They describe the connection between a physique and the forces performing upon it, and its motion in response to these forces where these multiple-choice questions on laws of motion with answers will be able to multiply their usefulness.
More exactly, the primary regulation defines the power qualitatively, the second regulation affords a quantitative measure of the power, and the third asserts {that a} single remoted power does not exist.
These three legal guidelines have been expressed in a number of methods, over practically three centuries. Multiple-choice questions on laws of motion with answers are helpful to discuss with friends, and teachers, and fit for any examination.
Newton’s first law states that-
Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.
This is normally taken as the definition of inertia. The key point here is that if there is no net force acting on an object (if all the external forces cancel each other out) then the object will maintain a constant velocity. If that velocity is zero, then the object remains at rest. If an external force is applied, the velocity will change because of the force.
The second law states that-
In an inertial frame of reference, the vector sum of the forces F on an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the acceleration a of the object: F = ma. (It is assumed here that the mass m is constant
The law defines a force to be equal to a change in momentum (mass times velocity) per change in time. Newton also developed the calculus of mathematics, and the “changes” expressed in the second law are most accurately defined in differential forms. (Calculus can also be used to determine the velocity and location variations experienced by an object subjected to an external force.) For an object with a constant mass m, the second law states that the force F is the product of an object’s mass and its acceleration a:
F = m * a
For an externally applied force, the change in velocity depends on the mass of the object. A force will cause a change in velocity; and likewise, a change in velocity will generate a force. The equation works both ways.
The third law states that
for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.
In other words, if object A exerts a force on object B, then object B also exerts an equal force on object A. Notice that the forces are exerted on different objects. The third law can be used to explain the generation of lift by a wing and the production of thrust by a jet engine.
Let’s solve the multiple-choice questions on laws of motion with answers below
1. Who is the father of the study of dynamics – the study of motion?
2. Who invented the laws of motion?
3. In which year the laws of motion invented?
4. Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws that, together, laid the foundation for
5. The laws describe the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it, and its ______ in response to those forces.
6. In an inertial frame of reference, the vector sum of the forces F on an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the acceleration a of the object. What is the name of this law of motion?
7. When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. What is the name of this law of motion?
8. In an inertial frame of reference, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force. - What is the name of this law of motion?
9. Which of the Laws of motion defines the force qualitatively?
10. Which of the Laws of motion offers a quantitative measure of the force?
11. Which of the Laws of motion asserts that a single isolated force doesn't exist?
12. A mass at rest tends to remain at rest; a mass moving at a constant velocity tends to keep moving at that velocity, unless acted upon by an outside force. - What is this law called?
13. The simplified form of he laws of conservation of momentum, energy, and angular momentum states that "Momentum, energy and angular momentum cannot be created or destroyed." True/ False?
14. Which law states that all forces between two objects exist in equal magnitude and opposite direction?
15. Which law states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the force applied, and this change in momentum takes place in the direction of the applied force?
16. Which law states that, if the net force (the vector sum of all forces acting on an object) is zero, then the velocity of the object is constant. Velocity is a vector quantity which expresses both the object's speed and the direction of its motion; therefore, the statement that the object's velocity is constant is a statement that both its speed and the direction of its motion are constant?
17. Two-wheeled blocks of the same kind are at rest on the top of a smooth surface of a table. They are tied with a thread with each other. A compressed spring is placed between the two blocks. When the thread is cut the blocks move in the opposite direction---is an example of which law of motion?
18. The ball bounces back on hitting the ground. A ball strikes the ground with certain force (Action) and the ground pushes back the ball with equal force(Reaction)---is an example of which law of motion?
19. If we attach a spring balance to the hook on the wall and its hook is engaged with a hook of another spring balance and apply a pull on the second spring balance that both of the spring balance show the same reading but in opposite direction ---is an example of which law of motion?
20. The three laws of motion were first compiled by Isaac Newton in his
21. The flying of a rocket ---is an example of which law of motion?
22. Drying of Cloths By Shaking is an example of which law of motion?
23, A gun recoils when a shot is fired from it. Initially both the bullet and gun are at rest, thus the total momentum of the system is constant. When a shot is fired, the bullet moves forward pushing the gun backward---is an example of which law of motion?
24. A person sitting in a car tries to move the car by applying force to its walls but is unable to move the car - is an example of which law of motion?
25. Winnowing of Grains is an example of which law of motion?
26. Carpenter works with wood and nails. To drive nails in wood, less force is required. Thus low inertia of hammer is recommended that implies which law of motion?
27. A blacksmith works with iron, steel. To change the shape of iron or steel, large force is required. Thus high inertia of hammer is recommended that implies the______ law of motion
28. When a bus is moving (especially with a high speed) on the road suddenly stops or suddenly changes its direction, the luggage on the top due to inertia of motion and direction continues to remain in the motion or in the same direction of motion. As a result, the luggage may get thrown out from the bus roof ---is an example of which law of motion?
29. If the car engine is switched off or brakes are applied to stop a car, the car does not stop at once. Sometimes a driver has to apply emergency brakes ---is an example of which law of motion?
30. Let us sit on a chair in front of a wall and push the wall with our legs. We will find that the chair is pushed backward. When we are pushing the wall we are applying action force, now the wall will put equal and opposite reaction on us and the chair is pushed backward-- is an example of which law of motion?
31. When the mass of a body is constant, then its acceleration is directly proportional to the force acting on it. When the force acting on a body is constant, then its acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass of the body - True/ False
32. Newton used the third law to derive the law of
33. A stationary object will only move if there is an unbalanced force acting on it. True/ False
34. Since mass is scalar and velocity is a vector, momentum is a vector quantity whose direction is the same as that of _______.
35. A moving object will only change speed or direction if there is an ___________ force acting on it.
36. A car has wheels which spin forwards. As the wheels spin forwards, they grip the road and push the road backwards. Since forces result from mutual interactions, the road must also be pushing the wheels forward - an example of which law?
37. Falling objects have their velocity changed downward at the rate of _________ each second on earth.
38. For objects thrown upward, gravitational acceleration is still _____ downward.
40. If you slide a hockey puck on ice, eventually it will stop, because of friction on the ice. It will also stop if it hits something, like a player’s stick or a goalpost - it is an example of
40. When air rushes out of a balloon, the opposite reaction is that the balloon flies up is an example of
41. If you kicked a ball in space, it would keep going forever, because there is no gravity, friction or air resistance going against it. It will only stop going in one direction if it hits something like a meteorite or reaches the gravity field of another planet-- is an example of which law?
42. The second law of motion states that acceleration is produced when an unbalanced force acts on an object (mass). The more mass the object has the more net force has to be used to move it-- is an example of
43. When you jump off a small rowing boat into water, you will push yourself forward towards the water. The same force you used to push forward will make the boat move backwards is an example of
44. It is easier to push an empty shopping cart than a full one, because the full shopping cart has more mass than the empty one. This means that more force is required to push the full shopping cart -- is an example of which law?
45. When you dive off of a diving board, you push down on the springboard. The board springs back and forces you into the air. It is an application of the
46. If you use the same force to push a truck and push a car, the car will have more acceleration than the truck, because the car has less mass. It is an application of
47. If you are driving in your car at a very high speed and hit something, like a brick wall or a tree, the car will come to an instant stop, but you will keep moving forward. This is why cars have airbags, to protect you from smashing into the windscreen because of the
48. First law of motion is also called
49. F = ma is the equation of which law of motion?
50. When a boy jumps from the boat to the bank. The boat moves in the direction opposite to jump. In order to jump out of the boat, he has to push the ground (surface of the boat) with greater force (action). Now the boat is in water, thus it is representing the non-rigid surface. Thus the boat moves backward under the action of pushing force, which is an example of which law of motion?
51. While hammering a nail. a force is experienced on the hand holding the hammer. When a nail is hammered a force is applied to it (action) due to which the nail applies equal and opposite reaction on the hammer reflects the _____law
52. When a vehicle takes a sudden turn towards the left, the person seated inside the vehicle is pushed towards the right is the example of
53. When a stationary bus starts moving passengers in the bus get reclined back similarly when bus moving with uniform velocity stops suddenly passengers move forward is an example of
54. The second part of the first law helps us in defining the
55. While swimming, the swimmer pushes the water backward with his hands. The action of pushing water backward gives rise to a reaction in the opposite direction which results in the swimmer moving forward, is an example of
56. The first part of the first law of motion is giving us the concept of
57. Every material body continues to remain in its state of rest or state of uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force to change the state of motion. This law is also called as
58. A coin is placed on a smooth card which serves as a lid on a glass. When the card is pulled suddenly in the horizontal direction the coin falls into the glass is an example of
59. The tendency of a body to continue to move with uniform motion in a linear direction is called
60. The tendency of the body to oppose the change of state of rest or state of uniform motion is called
61. If no unbalanced force acts on a body then the body at rest remains at rest. This inertia is sometimes referred to as the
62. The inertia of a body depends on the ______ of the body.
63. This external physical quantity which is required to change the state of motion of a body is called
64. Mass is a measure of inertia of a body. True/ False
65. A cyclist riding along a level road does not come to rest immediately after he stops pedaling is an example of
66. When moving train collides with a stationary one, the former experiences a reverse motion is an example of the
67. In case of inertia, if a body is at rest, then the net force acting on the body is_____.
68. In case of inertia, if the net force acting on a body is zero, then the body must be at rest or uniform motion in a _____.
69. A person falling from a certain height on a hard surface gets hurt more seriously than when he falls on a soft surface is an example of which law of motion?
70. When a bus makes a turn around a corner, the passengers have to hold on to some support to prevent themselves from swaying to hold some support would get thrown in that direction.
71. According to Law of inertia, if a body is changing direction, then the net force acting on the body is _______.
72. When a passenger jumps out of a moving train he falls down due to the Inertia of Motion. To avoid this he has to run in the __________ direction till his velocity is reduced to zero.
73. When a hanging carpet is beaten with a stick, the dust particles start coming out of it. When a carpet is beaten by stick the carpet is set into motion. But due to inertia, the dust particles remain at rest. Thus they get separated from the carpet. What law is applied here?
74. On striking the coin at the bottom of a pile of carom coins with a striker, this coin only moves away, while the rest of the pile remains at the original position because of
75. A ball thrown vertically upward by a person in a moving train comes back to his hand. The reason is that the moment the ball was thrown, the ball was in motion along with the person and the train due to the inertia of _____________.
76. If a body is neither at rest nor in uniform motion, then the net force acting on the body is
77. When the local train starts or stops suddenly, sliding doors of some compartments may open or close due to the Law of Inertia of
78. If a body is moving in uniform motion in a straight line, then the net force acting on the body is zero in the law of
79. Athletes often fail to stop themselves before fault line because of the _________ while the upper part of the athlete’s body continues to move in the forward direction while the lower part comes to halt.
80. Athletes run before taking a long jump in order to increase his speed, and thereby his inertia of motion. The increased inertia of motion enables him to jump a longer distance is an example of
81. When a bullet is fired at a glass window, a hole is formed in it because only that part of the glass moves with the bullet, where the bullet hits the glass. The remaining part due to the inertia remains in its position. Thus bullet is able to form a hole in the glass window due to the inertia of window pane.--- this is an application of
82. On shaking or giving jerks to the branches of a tree, the fruits fall down. When branches are shaken in one direction, the fruits and leaves due to inertia remain at the original position due to
83. If the net force acting on a body is ______, then the body is neither at rest nor in uniform motion in a straight line.
84. A magician snatches a table cloth from under a full set of tableware. When the table cloth is pulled it is set into motion, but the tableware due to _____ remains on the table.
85. The laws of motion are the study of
86. Newton wasn't expected to survive as a child. He was born quite premature: an estimated 11 to 15 weeks early. True/ False
87. Newton was a stutterer, but it puts him in good company. Other people who habitually tripped over their tongues included Aristotle, Moses, Winston Churchill, and Charles Darwin.
88. Despite being born on January 4, 1643 Newton was born on Christmas Day.
89. Newton, born in England was a Member of Parliament
90. His dog set Newton's laboratory on fire, ruining 20 years of research.
Newton’s laws of motion are three assertions that describe the relationships between the forces acting on a body and its motion, and they constitute the cornerstone of classical mechanics. They were first started by English scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton.
Newton’s first law asserts that if a body is at rest or traveling in a straight path at a constant speed, it will remain at rest or continue to move in a straight line at a constant speed until acted upon by a force. In fact, in classical Newtonian mechanics, there is no significant difference between rest and uniform motion in a straight line; they can be considered the same state of motion seen by two observers, one moving at the same speed as the particle and the other moving at a constant velocity with respect to the particle. The law of inertia is the name given to this concept.
Galileo Galilei initially proposed the law of inertia for horizontal motion on Earth, and René Descartes later expanded it. The concept of inertia is the starting point and fundamental assumption of classical mechanics, yet it is not immediately apparent to the untrained eye. Objects that are not being pushed tend to come to a halt in Aristotelian mechanics and in everyday life. Galileo derived the law of inertia from his studies with balls rolling down inclined surfaces.

The second law of Newton is a quantitative explanation of the effects that a force can have on a body’s motion. It asserts that the force applied on a body equals the time rate of change of its momentum in both magnitude and direction. The product of a body’s mass and velocity determine its momentum. Momentum is a vector quantity with both magnitude and direction, similar to velocity. A force acting on a body can affect the magnitude, direction, or both of the momentum’s components. One of the most essential laws in physics is Newton’s second law. F = ma may be written for a body with a constant mass m, where F (force) and an (acceleration) are both vector values.
When a body is subjected to a net force, it accelerates according to the equation. A body that is not accelerated, on the other hand, has no net force acting on it.
When two bodies contact, Newton’s third law states that they apply forces to each other that are equal in magnitude and opposing in direction. The law of action and response is another name for the third law. This law is useful in assessing static equilibrium situations in which all forces are balanced, but it also applies to things moving in a uniform or rapid motion. The dynamics it depicts are genuine, not just accounting gimmicks. A book on a table, for example, exerts a downward force equal to its weight on the table. The third law states that the table exerts an equal and opposite force on the object.
The weight of the book causes the table to bend somewhat, causing it to press back on the book like a coiled spring.
According to the second law, when a body is subjected to a net force, it experiences accelerated motion. The body does not accelerate and is considered to be in equilibrium if there is no net force acting on it, either because there are no forces at all or because all forces are exactly balanced by counter forces. A body that is not accelerated, on the other hand, may be assumed to have no net force acting on it.
Newton’s laws have an impact
Newton’s laws were initially published in Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), which is often known as the Principia. Nicolaus Copernicus proposed in 1543 that the Sun, rather than the Earth, be the center of the universe. In the years that followed, Galileo, Johannes Kepler, and Descartes lay the groundwork for a new science that would both replace the ancient Greeks’ Aristotelian worldview and explain the workings of a heliocentric cosmos. That new science was founded by Newton in the Principia. He created his three principles to explain why the planets’ orbits are ellipses rather than circles, which he did, but it turned out that he explained a lot more. The Scientific Revolution encompasses the events that occurred between Copernicus and Newton.
Quantum mechanics and relativity supplanted Newton’s principles as the most fundamental rules of physics in the twentieth century. Despite this, Newton’s laws continue to accurately describe nature, with the exception of very tiny entities such as electrons or those flying at near-light speeds. For bigger things or slower-moving bodies, quantum mechanics and relativity reduce to Newton’s rules.
The three laws of motion of Sir Isaac Newton explain the motion of enormous masses and how they interact. While Newton’s principles may appear clear to us now, they were revolutionary more than three centuries ago.
Newton was one of history’s most significant scientists. His theories laid the groundwork for current physics. He drew on the ideas of earlier scientists such as Galileo and Aristotle and was able to verify several notions that had previously just been theories. He was a mathematician who created calculus after studying optics, astronomy, and mathematics. (At around the same time, German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz is credited with independently creating it.)
Newton is likely best recognized for his research on gravity and planet motion. Newton formalized the description of how massive bodies move under the influence of external forces in his seminal work “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) in 1687, prompted by astronomer Edmond Halley after admitting he had lost his proof of elliptical orbits a few years prior.
Newton simplified his handling of enormous entities by treating them as mathematical points with no size or rotation while creating his three scientific laws. This allowed him to overlook things like friction, air resistance, temperature, and material qualities, and focus on phenomena that can only be represented in terms of mass, length, and time. As a result, the three laws cannot be utilized to properly explain the behavior of big stiff or deformable objects, although they do offer adequate approximations in many circumstances.
Newton’s rules apply to the motion of heavy masses in an inertial reference frame, commonly dubbed a Newtonian reference frame, although Newton himself never specified such a reference frame. An inertial reference frame is a three-dimensional coordinate system that is either fixed or moving in a uniform linear motion, i.e. it is neither spinning nor accelerating. Three simple rules might be used to define motion inside such an inertial reference frame, he discovered.
“A body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will continue in motion until it is acted with by an external force,” asserts Newton’s First Law of Motion. This simply implies that things cannot begin, end, or change course on their own. A force operating on them from the outside is required to bring about such a shift. Inertia is a term used to describe the ability of huge masses to resist changes in their state of motion.
When a huge body is operated upon by an external force, the Second Law of Motion defines what happens. “The force acting on an item is equal to that object’s mass times its acceleration,” it says. This is expressed as F = ma, where F stands for force, m for mass, and a for acceleration. Force and acceleration are vector quantities, which means they have both magnitude and direction, as shown by the bold letters. The force might be a single force or the vector sum of several forces, which is the net force when all of the forces are added together.
When a constant force occurs on a heavy body, it causes it to accelerate at a constant rate, changing its velocity. A force applied to an item at rest causes it to accelerate in the direction of the force in the simplest case. If the object is already moving, or if the scenario is seen through the eyes of a moving reference frame, the body may appear to speed up, slow down, or change direction depending on the direction of the force and the relative motions of the object and reference frame.
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite response,” asserts the Third Law of Motion. When a body exerts a force on another body, this law defines what happens. Because forces always occur in pairs, when one body pushes against another, the other body pushes back with equal force. When you push a cart, the cart pushes back against you; when you pull on a rope, the rope pushes back against you; when gravity pulls you down against the ground, the ground pushes up against your feet; and when a rocket ignites its fuel behind it, the expanding exhaust gas pushes on the rocket, accelerating it.
If one item is massively more massive than the other, especially if the first object is tethered to the Earth, the second object receives practically all of the acceleration, and the first object’s acceleration may be safely ignored. For example, if you threw a baseball to the west, you wouldn’t have to think about the fact that you caused the Earth’s rotation to speed up somewhat while the ball was in the air. If you were standing on roller skates and hurled a bowling ball forward, you would begin to go backward at a considerable rate.
Over the last three centuries, innumerable tests have confirmed the three principles, and they are still extensively employed to explain the types of objects and speeds we experience in everyday life. They represent the cornerstone of what is now known as classical mechanics, which is the study of substantial things that are bigger than quantum physics’ very tiny scales and move at slower speeds than relativistic mechanics’ very high speeds.
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