Common knowledge trivia questions are for fun, competition, and entertainment. Get rid of boring times and monotonous life by solving these common knowledge trivia questions. The younger rikishi sumo wrestlers at a sumo training “stable” are responsible for bathing and washing their senior sumo wrestlers, as well as making sure their hard-to-reach spots are clean. In Japanese homes, rice cookers are far more prevalent than ovens. Geisha, which means “person of the arts,” was initially practiced by males. In Japan, it was and sometimes still is challenging to find non-smoking spaces in restaurants, even family eateries. The tobacco business is a source of interest for many Japanese politicians. However, Tokyo was the first Japanese city to enact a smoking ban in April 2020.
The sources of the common knowledge trivia questions are reliable and full of fresh information. The Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington, resided in Halloween Town and loved the frightful season. But one day he happened upon a door that led to Christmas Town, and he immediately fell in love with the happy environment. He made an effort to persuade the skeptics in Halloween Town to celebrate a new, happier festival after his return. Jack immediately established himself as a Halloween and Christmas classic because of his lovely and understandable enjoyment of the holiday season. As The Nightmare Before Christmas dominates television and Disney parks every year from October through December, his popularity has only increased. This crowd favorite combined the best of both worlds by being both spooky and joyful.
Common knowledge trivia questions are for all regardless of all society and mature people. Sport may be observed from a wide variety of angles. Because of this, binary differences are frequently highlighted, and several sports sociologists have demonstrated how these divisions may advocate for or undermine social and racial class systems as well as establish constructions within gender beliefs. Some examples of these dichotomies include professional versus amateur, mass versus elite, active versus spectator, males against women, and sports versus play (as an antithesis to organized and institutionalized activity).
According to depth and temperature, the pelagic portion of the ocean’s aphotic zone can be further separated into vertical regions: The topmost area is mesopelagic. Its lowest point is at a thermocline of 12 °C (54 °F), which is often seen in the tropics at a height of 700–1,000 meters (2,300–3,300 ft). The bathypelagic is the next layer, with temperatures ranging from 10 to 4 °C (50 to 39 °F) and depths of 700 to 1,000 meters (2,300 to 3,300 feet) to 2,000 to 4,000 meters (6,600 to 13,100 feet). The abyssopelagic, whose lower limit is located at around 6,000 meters (20,000 feet), runs along the top of the abyssal plain. The hadalpelagic zone, which encompasses the oceanic trench and is the deepest, is located between 6,000 and 11,000 meters (20,000 and 36,000 feet) below the surface. Let’s solve below the 100 common knowledge trivia questions and see what you know how and what don’t.
Common knowledge trivia questions
1. JRR Tolkein wrote The Lord of the Rings what does the JRR stand for?
Jonn Robert Reuel
2. Which cells of the eyes respond to bright lights and register the color of images?
3. What author married Leon Trotsky’s secretary in 1924?
Arthur Ransome
4. What is the ruling planet of the astrological sign?
Taurus Venus
5. Old Irish law what boy’s name given to a fine murderer paid compo?
6. Which cells of the eyes register the shapes of images and respond to low levels of light?
7. Odysseus was captured by Cyclops Polyphemus what false name?
8. What bird lays the largest clutch of eggs?
The Grey Partridge — up to 16
9. Butterfly Chisel Lead Pipe Mallet Occult Willow all types of what?
Bone Fracture
10. How many receptors are there in the human eye to perceive light?
110-130 million
11. In what Italian town can you find the Piazza delle?
Erbe Verona
12. What confection named for a French field marshal chef made it?
13. A person can expect to breathe in about what amount of dust over his/her lifetime?
45 pounds
14. What kind of animal is Beatrix Potter’s Mrs. Tiggy Winkle?
15. Name the dance that means new voice in Portuguese?
Bossa Nova
16. A person can live without food for about a month, but only a week without what?
17. What Australian Prime Minister drowned near Melbourne?
Harold Holt 17 December 1967
18. The Chinese pictogram for trouble also means what?
Two women under the same roof
19. It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. True or false?
20. What was Vivian Leigh’s character who won Oscar in her 30s?
Blanche Dubois
21. Who said about criticism “I cry all the way to the bank”?
22. In Texas by law criminals must give their victims what?
24 hours advance written notice
23. It’s nearly impossible to tickle yourself. True or false?
24. Name the hero Len Deighton Ipcress File and Funeral in Berlin Not named in books
Harry Palmer in films
25. A person’s growth like being tall or short is determined only by genes. T/F
False. Growth hormone also is responsible for it.
26. What musical was produced on the London stage 30 years after the film Singing in the Rain?
Tommy Steel 1983
27. An Entente is a player’s manager in what sport?
Jai Alai
28. The length of the finger indicates how fast the nail grows. T/F?
29. On ER what is the character name of Mark Green’s daughter?
30. What creates more pressure on the spine than walking or standing?
Laughing and coughing
31. Irrumation is what sexual practice?
Fellatio – Blowjob
32. Who is the Patron Saint of Gout?
Saint Andrew
33. After death, the body starts to dry out creating an illusion that the nails and hairs are growing even after death. True or false?
34. In ancient Greece aristocratic women were deflowered with what?
Stone Penis
35. What percent of human dry weight comes from bacteria?
36. Biblical city was the code for RAF bombings of Hamburg?
WW2 Gomorrah
37. After water what is the most consumed beverage?
38. What river in Africa carries the most water?
39. What are the only two tissues in the body that do not receive oxygen from blood?
Nails and corneas
40. The Venice Cup is for women only playing what?
41. What Zimbabwe beer is named after a river?
42. Where would you find an Orcadian?
The Orkney Islands, or Isles of Scotland
43. Happy Days was a spin-off from what US TV show?
Love American Style
44. What has 121 holes?
Chinese Checkerboard
45. Like fingerprints, every person has a unique ____ print.
46. What is pompoir?
Vaginal muscle control
47. George W Trendle and Fran Striker created what Western hero?
The Lone Ranger
48. In Brockton Mass you must have a license to enter where?
Towns Sewers
49. Alexandria MN if the wife asks a man must do what before sex by law?
Brush Teeth
50. In Virginia it’s against the law for people to bribe except who?
Political Candidates
51. How many sweat glands pair of feet have and can produce more than a pint of sweat a day?
52. Who got the best actor award for the character Charlie Allnut?
Humphrey Bogart – The African Queen 1951
53. What Indian tribe did the army most often use as scouts?
54. In what HG Wells novel does Dr. Griffin sometimes appear?
The Invisible Man
55. Which nails grew fastest than any other?
Middle finger
56. What General Motor’s plastic-bodied car was built in Tennessee?
57. In the language of flowers what does the yellow lily mean?

58. If a prescription says b.i.d. what would it mean?
Twice Daily
59. In what part of New York did the Great Gatsby live?
West Egg
60. In Mexico it is illegal for the police to sell what?
Their Guns
61. What contains keratin and they seem to be the strongest component in the human body?
62. What is a Gambrel – One of two answers Sloping Roof or
Butchers Hook
63. Put the world’s most common forename and surname together
Mohammed Chen
64. Carcharodon Carcharias is the Latin name for what creature?
Great White Shark
65. At the Festival of the Cleaver Spartans nailed what to the wall?
Sausages for older men to gnaw
66. Shakespeare’s play set in Ephesus has two pairs of identical twins?
Comedy of Errors
67. King James the IV practiced what (and charged) on subjects?
68. What was Mark Twain in WW2?
A Bombsight
69. In West Virginia it’s illegal to cook what – because of smell?
Cabbage – Can go to Prison for it
70. Name the person who caused Chicago kids to get school milk?
Al Capone
71. Glen Morris was the last Olympic gold medallist to do what?
1938 Act Tarzan in Tarzans Revenge 1938
72. In the Bible in what city did Jesus perform his first miracle?
Cana – John 2:1.11 Water into wine
73. Shingle was the codename for what WWII Allied landing?
74. Jerry Yang and David Filo created what?
75. Which human organ contains structures called Rods and cones?
76. Old Arabic word for the palm of the hand is what in modern sport?
77. What beer is represented by goat Bocks?
78. In Norse mythology Odin traded an eye for what?
79. In New York by law the death penalty is required for what act?
Jumping off a building
80. What percent of Americans regularly attend church?

81. Who was the leader of the notorious Gambino Mafia family?
John Gotti
82. Kenneth Weekes nick Ban Ban born in Boston the only US do what?
Play Test match cricket West Indies
83. What was the name of the high school in the movie Grease?
84. Seen on Egyptian rivers what is a Shadoof used for?
Water bucket on a pole
85. What is a Godeminche?
Penis dildo with balls
86. What movie actor was (among other jobs) a bridge painter?
Paul Hogan
87. What sport introduced the term southpaw?
88. The human eye contains five to seven million receptors for what purpose?
Color perception
89. What is the literal translation of haute couture?
High Sewing
90. Sindonology is a debate concerning the origins of what?
Turin Shroud
91. Hydrated Magnesium Silicate is better known as what?
Meerschaum or Sepiolite
92. The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of who?
Helios the sun god
93. In Delaware by law a newlywed must do what if the wife asks?
Take her shopping
94. O’Shea Jackson became better known as who?
Ice Cube
95. Humans are the only animals to produce emotional tears. T/F?
96. In what TV series did we see Del Floria tailors shop?
The man from UNCLE
97. The average person expels flatulence how many times each day?
98. A talus is what?
geographical feature Boulders fell from the mountain
99. Who appeared as the infant Moses 1956 film 10 commandments?
Frazer Heston — Charlton’s son
100. The human eye cannot perceive a motionless image. T/F?
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