100 Climate Change Trivia Questions and Answers MCQ

Climate change is a big concern nowadays where trivia questions and answers can help to enhance understanding of cause, effect and solution in many ways. This climate change trivia questions and answers quiz has been processed for all levels of learners. Climate change, as used in everyday speech, refers to global warming’s impacts on the planet’s climate system as well as the continual rise in the average world temperature. Share online MCQ trivia quiz questions and answers multiple choice tests. A larger definition of climate change covers earlier, lengthy changes to the planet’s climate. The use of fossil fuels by humans is mostly to blame for the present, more rapid rise in the average world temperature. Carbon dioxide and methane are two of the main greenhouse gases that are increased by the use of fossil fuels, deforestation, and various industrial and agricultural operations. Some of the heat that the Earth radiates after being warmed by sunlight is absorbed by greenhouse gases. More of these gases trap more heat in the lower atmosphere of the Earth, contributing to global warming.

Since climate change is a major issue now, everyone should be able to get into trivia questions and answers quizzes. This change in trivia questions and answers quizzes can be discussed in other networks. Climate change trivia questions and answers are full of fresh data. Deserts are growing larger as a result of climate change, and heat waves and wildfires are occurring more frequently. Permafrost melting, glacier retreat, and a reduction in sea ice have all been impacted by increased heat in the Arctic. Stay close to online MCQ Climate change trivia quiz questions and answers multiple choice tests. Storms, droughts, and other weather extremes are becoming more intense as a result of rising temperatures. Numerous species are being forced to move or go extinct due to the rapid environmental change occurring in the Arctic, coral reefs, and mountains. Even if efforts are effective in reducing future warming, some consequences will last for generations. Sea level rise, ocean acidification, and ocean heating are a few of them.

People are at risk from food and water shortages, greater flooding, high heat, an increase in illness, and economic loss due to climate change. Conflicts and human migration may also ensue. Climate change is regarded by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the biggest danger to world health in the twenty-first century. Have fun with online MCQ Climate change trivia quiz questions and answers multiple choice tests. Some effects of climate change cannot be avoided, but communities may adapt by taking steps like protecting coastlines or increasing access to air conditioning. Poorer nations contribute a little portion of the world’s emissions, yet they are least equipped to adapt and most vulnerable to climate change.

Climate change trivia questions and answers

043-Climate Change Trivia Questions and Answers (100)

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global climate change answersAt the current level of warming of 1.2 °C (2.2 °F), several effects of climate change are already apparent. Increased warming will amplify these effects and could even lead to tipping points like the melting of the Greenland ice sheet. Nations jointly pledged to keep warming “well under 2 °C” under the 2015 Paris Agreement. Learn from online MCQ Climate change trivia quiz questions and answers multiple choice tests. Global warming will still reach roughly 2.7 °C (4.9 °F) by the end of the century even with promises made under the Agreement. To keep global warming to 1.5 °C, emissions must be cut in half by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.

Instead of using fossil fuels to produce power, low-carbon energy sources must be used to reduce emissions. This transformation entails the phase-out of coal and natural gas-fired power plants, a massive increase in the use of wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources, as well as a reduction in energy consumption. Collect online MCQ Climate change trivia quiz questions and answers multiple choice tests. Fossil fuels will need to be replaced by electricity produced from non-carbon-emitting sources in order to power vehicles, heat buildings, and run industrial operations. Additionally, carbon may be taken out of the atmosphere by using agricultural techniques that collect carbon in the soil and expanding the amount of forest cover.

The expressions “global warming” and “climate change” started to appear more often in the 1980s. Although the phrases are commonly used synonymously, climate change refers to the whole impact of greenhouse gases on the Earth’s climate system, whereas global warming merely refers to increasing surface warmth. Solve online MCQ Climate change trivia quiz questions and answers multiple choice tests. After NASA climate scientist James Hansen introduced the word in his 1988 statement before the U.S. Senate, global warming—used as early as 1975—became the more common term. The term “climate change” has been more popular during the 2000s. Additionally, a broader definition of climate change includes both natural and human-caused changes that have occurred throughout Earth’s history.

Various scientists, governments, and the media increasingly refer to climate change and global heating as a crisis or an emergency rather than as global warming. The climate system is warming, according to several independent instrumental datasets. Find online MCQ Climate change trivia quiz questions and answers multiple choice tests. In comparison to the pre-industrial baseline, the decade from 2011 to 2020 had an average temperature increase of 1.09 °C [0.95–1.20 °C] (1850–1900). Surface temperatures are increasing by around 0.2 °C every ten years, and by 2020 they will be 1.2 °C higher than they were in the pre-industrial era. There have been fewer cold days and nights since 1950, whereas there have been more warm days and nights.

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Between the 18th and the middle of the 19th century, there was hardly any net warming. Climate proxies, including trees and ice cores, provide information about the climate during that time. Around 1850, thermometer records started to span the whole world. Explore online MCQ Climate change trivia quiz questions and answers multiple choice tests. The Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age are two examples of historical patterns of warming and cooling that did not occur simultaneously in all parts of the world. In a small number of areas, temperatures may have gotten as high as they did in the late 20th century. There have been warm periods in the distant past, such the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. However, even abrupt geophysical catastrophes in Earth’s history have not reached the present rates of temperature and CO2 concentration increases.

Numerous more findings support the warming evidence from air temperature readings. Examples of expected and observed changes to the natural water cycle include an increase in the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation, the melting of snow and land ice, and a rise in atmospheric humidity. Bookmark online MCQ Climate change trivia quiz questions and answers multiple choice tests. The behavior of the flora and animals is also consistent with global warming; for instance, plants are starting to bloom earlier in the spring. The cooling of the upper atmosphere, which shows that greenhouse gases are trapping heat at the Earth’s surface and preventing it from radiating into space, is another important signal.

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