100 General Knowledge Trivia Quiz Questions Answers

Learning is an ongoing process. A General knowledge trivia quiz will be very smart and tricky as long as you won’t digger deep into the  printable quizzes appropriate for everyone smart and creative. The journey through general knowledge trivia quizzes is an odyssey marked by intellectual prowess, the allure of gratis erudition, the unending saga of learning, and the strategic dance with time. As you embark on this expedition, each question becomes a milestone, and the collective wisdom gained, a testament to the mastery of the multifaceted tapestry of general knowledge.

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General knowledge trivia quiz

1. What is Equinophobia?

Fear of horses

2. What pet the President Chester Alan Arthur have?

No pet

3. Who wrote the famous book: Catch-22?

Joseph Heller

4. On what date Idaho had been officially a state?

July 3, 1890

5. What is the M&M company motto?

“Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands”

6. What is Teniacide (also taeniacide, tenicide)?

A chemical agent that kills tapeworms.

7. What is taharah according to Islam?


8. What is a catchpole?

An official who pursues those with delinquent debts

9. Which US state has the motto “Hope”?

Rhode Island

10. The Iconic world landmark Hannover Rathaus is situated in which country?


11. Who has The Nobel Prize in Literature 2019?

Peter Handke “for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience”

12. Cuffs and Buttons was a cocktail in the 19th century what it now?

Southern Comfort

13. Where is the only digital Rolex watch in the world?

Wimbledon centre court

14. Which is called Little Cuba?


15. Which PC game shares its name with a Bond film character?


16. The SF award Hugo is named after Hugo who?


17. Tracey and Hepburn’s first film in 1942 was what?

Woman of the Year

18. Which company’s logo is based on the legend of Cats Nine Lives?

Ever Ready

19. In Greek what does Eunuch translate as?

Bed Watcher

20. Who is Fily Dabo Sissoko?

National poet in Mali

21. Sumo can’t be Olympic because it bans women – why?

Menstrual cycle offends Gods

22. What is a cathedra?

Bishop’s throne or chair

23. Norwegian Sigerson, Spy Altamont, Sea Captain Basil all who?

Sherlock Holmes disguises

24. What is the L’Oreal company motto?

“Because You’re Worth It”

25. In Sesame Street name the detective who often said egad?

Sherlock Hemlock

26. When Harrison Ford was a fugitive who was the lawman?

Tommy Lee Jones

27. Antimacassars were fitted to chairs – what is a macassar?

Hair oil

28. Mitre Dovetail Jig and Hack are types of what?


29. What’s the correct name for a male turkey?


29. In playing cards, you have the Joker and in Tarot cards, you have The Fool which is number what?


30. Which characters were invented in 1957 in Belgium?

The Smurfs

31. Who are the national poets in Ethiopia?

Gibreab Teferi, Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin

32. Jack Ketch 1663 1686 had what job?


33. Which Greek Philosopher taught at the Lyceum?


34. In which country was Chopin born?


35. Collective nouns – A shiver of what?


36. Who has a famous speech: A Whisper of AIDS?

Mary Fisher

37. Which group was originally known as the Russellites?

Jehovah’s Witnesses

38. Where were the original loopholes?

Castle walls — arrow-firing slits

39. Dan Emmett a northerner wrote which song?


40. Nekal was the first type of what product (Germany 1917)?


41. Which playwright was nicknamed Doc?

Neil Simon

42. Linda Hunt won an Oscar for Year of Living Dangerously what 1st?

First Oscar plays the opposite sex

43. Which Western writer created Hopalong Cassidy?

Louis L’Amour

44. Red flags were flown by French ships – Joli Rouge origin of what name?

Jolly Rodger

45. John Henry Deutschendorf is famous as who (both names)?

John Denver

46. Kangaroos and Emus can’t do what?

Walk backwards

47. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2019 was given to whom?

Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer “for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty”

48. Who is the national poet in Egypt?

Ahmed Shawqi

49. What is Gamophobia?

Fear of marriage

50. What is the General Electric company motto?

“Imagination at Work”

51. In mythology who rode an eight-legged horse called?

Sleipnir Odin

52. Atephobia is a fear of what?


53. In which country could you spend a Kwanza?


54. You ordered nem in a Vietnamese restaurant what would you get?

Spring Roll

55. Who wrote the famous book: Herzog?

Saul Bellow

56. What was the name of Barbie’s first horse?


57. Who was known as the Queen of Folk Music?

Joan Baez

58. Which president had a pet named Patrick, an Irish wolfhound?

Herbert Hoover

59. Sunrise Sunset came from which Broadway musical show?

Fiddler on the Roof

60. What is the Texas state motto?


61. In Norse mythology women were made from a tree – which tree?


62. Who was the first Grand Prix driver to use a safety belt in 1967?

Jackie Stuart

63. There are only two three-letter herbs Rue is one what’s the other?


64. Why did Handel compose The Messiah?

For Cash

65. Which company has the motto — “It Keeps Going and Going and Going”?


66. The Major Arcana cards represent what in the tarot game?

A life-changing event in life

67. What drink began in Morison’s drug store in Waco Texas in 1885?

Dr. Peppers

68. In Spain what is manchego?

Sheep’s cheese

69. Who has a famous speech: The Great Society?

Lyndon Baines Johnson

70. Music Is a word that originated from which language?


71. Which is called– Bluff City?


72. International registration letters what country is ZR?


73. If you called JI52020 or 555 2020 in the film who would answer?


74. Which US state had been given the statehood on July 10, 1890?


75. What is a chandler?

A candlemaker, or a retail supplier of specific equipment

76. Vestiophobia is the fear of what?


77. Roman soldiers were given slaves – what were they called?

Addicts addicted means enslaved

78. What is the Welsh name for Wales?


79. Name the raven in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.


80. Who played Mr. Toad in the 2007 movie?

Matt Lucas

81. Parr, Smolt, and Grilse are different names same thing?

Salmon – life stages

82. In Denmark there is a 20 Kroner fine for not reporting what?

Your own or anyone else’s death

83. A computer does a POST what is a post?

Power-on self-test

84. Who is Abiy Ahmed Ali?

The Nobel Peace Prize 2019, “for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighboring Eritrea”

85. What do the Chinese regard as the highest form of visual art?


86. Which president had a pet named Old Boy, a bulldog?

Warren Harding

87. What French word means liquor is half frozen?


88. Which creature’s name translates as the lizard in Spanish?


89. What are Grapnel, Bruce, Danforth, and Plough types?


90. All US Presidents were Federalists Republicans Democrats or what?

Whigs 1841 – 45 1850- 53

91. Boxing, Wrestling, and which Olympic event still exclude women?

Weight Lifting

92. What is Theriocide?

the act of killing sentient animals, especially mammals (Ancient Greek: therion “wild animal, beast”)

93. West Side Story tells about the West Side of what or where?

Fifth Avenue

94. What is a virgule?


95. Who has a famous speech: The Marshall Plan?

George Catlett Marshall

96. In Kipling’s How the Leopard got His Spots to name the Leopard?

Best Beloved

97. Who wrote the famous book: One Hundred Years of Solitude?

Gabriel García Márquez

98. What is a caulker?

Someone who packs seams in ships or around windows

99. What was the world’s first televised murder of Ruby killing?


100. What is Ephebiphobia?

Fear of teenagers

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