100 Common General Knowledge Questions Answer in English

In the pursuit of knowledge, one fundamental principle stands true: the dividends of learning are reaped not in the act itself, but in its application, common general knowledge questions and answers in English. Every morsel of information assimilated today serves as a building block for the edifice of tomorrow’s endeavors. It is this symbiotic relationship between acquisition and utilization that underscores the importance of immediate learning benefits.

Exploring Common General Knowledge: Printable Trivia

Embark upon a journey through the corridors of common knowledge, where the arcane and the everyday converge. Within the realm of English printable trivia lies a treasure trove of questions and answers, each a testament to the collective wisdom of humanity. From historical anecdotes to scientific marvels, these trivia morsels serve as both an intellectual exercise and a source of amusement.

The Empowering Essence of Learning

To learn is to empower oneself with the currency of confidence. With each morsel of knowledge absorbed, the reservoir of self-assurance swells, fortifying one’s stance in the arena of life’s myriad challenges. It is this bolstering of the psyche, this armor forged in the fires of comprehension, common general knowledge questions and answers in English that emboldens the learner to venture forth into the unknown with their head held high.

The Eternal Journey of Learning

In the grand tapestry of existence, learning emerges not as a destination, but as an infinite odyssey. There exists no terminus, no finality to the pursuit of knowledge; instead, it unfolds as a perpetual voyage of discovery. From the cradle to the grave, one traverses the labyrinthine paths of enlightenment, common general knowledge questions and answers in English each step bringing forth new vistas of understanding.

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Amidst the vast expanse of knowledge lies a beacon of accessibility: general knowledge printable quizzes. These curated compilations offer a gateway to enlightenment, presenting an array of trivia designed to sharpen the wit and broaden the horizons of the seeker. With diligent engagement, one can effortlessly augment their common sense, honing it to a keen edge capable of slicing through the fog of ignorance.

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Engaging with general knowledge serves as a delightful form of entertainment, offering a reprieve from the mundane stresses of daily life. It provides a mental diversion that is both stimulating and enjoyable, allowing individuals to immerse themselves in a world of intriguing facts and information. From trivia about history to tidbits about science, the realm of general knowledge is vast and endlessly fascinating.

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Exploring common general knowledge questions and answers in English cultivates a sense of intellectual curiosity, common general knowledge questions and answers in English and wonder. Each new fact or piece of information sparks a desire to learn more, driving individuals to seek out additional knowledge and expand their understanding of the world. This curiosity catalyzes personal growth and development, encouraging lifelong learning and exploration.

Conclusion: Enriching Entertainment

In conclusion, delving into common general knowledge questions and answers in English offers a unique form of entertainment that is enriching. By relying on trustworthy sources, engaging in intellectual reflection, and cultivating curiosity, individuals can derive immense pleasure from exploring the vast expanse of general knowledge. So, whether seeking a mental diversion or a source of intellectual stimulation, the realm of general knowledge never fails to captivate and inspire.

Let’s solve these common general knowledge questions and answers in English to improve your GK learning. Disseminate these common general knowledge questions and answers in English among others, where you can drive away others.


Common general knowledge questions and answers in English


1. What is Derasar?

A Jain temple or the place of worship for Jains

2. How many protocols are there in The Geneva Conventions?


3. In the DNA bonding, Adenine always joins with what?


4. In which religious elements of the sense of cyclic time and the essence of life are symbolically presented— dharma, kama, artha, moksa, and karma?


5. What was the name of Ali Baba’s female slave?


6. What is Candi?

Buddhist sanctuaries mostly built during the 1st to 21st centuries in the Malay Archipelago

7. What percent of the global currency is actually cash?

Only about 10% (the rest 90% is in computer)

8. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement was founded in which year?


9. What is poltroon?

An abject coward

10. What is CRIA?

Baby Alpaca Or Llama

11. Detonating a nuclear device within which US city limits results in a $500 fine?


12. What is the national sport in Anguilla?

Yacht racing

13. When this “precession” occurs to change the axis of the planet, it takes around how many years for the axis to trace out a complete cone shape?


14. Which president had a pet named Boston Beans, a bulldog?

Calvin Coolidge

15. In which novel does the character Quebec Bagnet appear?

Bleak House

16. What is Amicicide?

The act of killing a friend (Latin: amicus “friend”)

17. Where is Visakha Bucha celebrated every year?


18. Who wrote: As I Lay Dying?

William Faulkner

19. The Gloucester E 28/39 first flew in 1941 – what was unusual?

Whittle Jet Engine

20. What is Farrow?

Baby Pig

21. What does a raccoon do before eating its food?

Washes it in water

22. Gregory Pincus, Jonn Rock, and Gerhart Domangk developed what?

Oral Contraceptive

23. Who was known for what he called “waste books,” which were the detailed notebooks that he kept full of quotes, sketches, and stories?

German physicist and educator Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

24. What is the correct term of address to the Pope?

Your Holiness

25. Sarah Josepha Hall wrote what?

Mary had a little lamb

26. When is Independence Day in Australia?

03 March

27. What is hebdomadally?

Without missing a week

28. What is the Latin form of South Carolina’s state motto?

Dum spiro spero

29. Women compete between the USA and the UK in Wightman Cup – which sport?


30. What is a Baby Clam called?


31. What city is called The City-Mountain?

Montreal, Canada

Chongqing, China, nicknamed “Mountain City”

Mussoorie, India

32. What are the Delaware state nicknames?

Diamond State; First State; Small Wonder

33. What other name is used for the snow leopard?


34. What did table tennis balls used to be made from?


35. What is Muckle Flugga Rock and Lighthouse on?


36. What is sadaqah according to Islam?

Charity beyond that which is obligatory

37. Woolworth’s – the 5/10 cent store started in which US state in 1979?

Lancaster Pennsylvania

38. In which US city, bathing two babies in the same tub at the same time is prohibited?

Los Angeles

39. Who won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in Spartacus in 1960?

Peter Ustinov

40. What is Leveret?

Baby Hare

41. What is Waisak Day celebrated in Indonesia, and Malaysia?

Buddha’s Anniversary

42. What is Milan’s opera house called?

La Scala

43. Who received The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014?

Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell and William E. Moerner

44. What is Chaitya?

A Buddhist shrine that includes a stupa

45. Mary Read and Anne Boney had what job in common?


46. When is China’s independence day?

Chan has no Independence Day, National Day on October 1

47. Which US president had a pet named Terrier named Jack and Pete?

Theodore Roosevelt

48. Who wrote: Men Without Women?

Ernest Hemingway

49. What linked Armenia, Georgia, Latvia and Moldavia?

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50. What is Cygnet?

Baby Swan

51. What is a basilica?

In Ancient Roman architecture, a basilica is a large public building with multiple functions, built alongside the town’s forum.

52. What is the oldest most widely used drug on earth?


53. Who is the first man to fly an airplane across the English Channel, and the first to invent a working monoplane?

Louis Bleriot was a French aviator, inventor, and engineer

54. Oometer measures what?

Birds Eggs

55. Short actors stand on what wooden object – to appear bigger?


56. When was Missouri was a state?

August 10, 1821

57. What are the Connecticut state nicknames?

Constitution State (official, 1959); Nutmeg State

58. Which drink did Bach enjoy so much that he wrote a cantata for it?


59. What is pontoon?

(nautical) a floating structure (as a flat-bottomed boat) that serves as a dock or to support a bridge

60. What is Fingerling?

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61. Annie Mae Bullock became famous under which name (both)?

Tina Turner

62. In which US city, permanent markers may not be sold in the city limits?


63. What type of animal is a Samoyed?


64. What film won the 1943 Oscar as best film?


65. An alloy of Iron – Chromium, and Nickel makes what?

Stainless Steel

66. In which country did draughts (checkers) originate?


67. What is Erse?

Irish Gaelic language

68. What is the origin of the Arizona state name?

Likely from an O’odham phrase meaning “little spring,” about a particular mining area.

69. What is the food tofu made from?

Soya Bean Curd — via Soya milk

70. What is a Baby Fox called?


71. John O’Keefe, May-Britt Moser, and Edvard I. Moser received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in which year?


72. On what date in German-occupied Belgium, the Social Pact, detailing plans for post-war social reform, is secretly signed?

24 January 1944

73. Who invented the first safety razor in 1895?

King Camp Gillette

74. Who wrote: Journey to the End of the Night?

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75. Who said, “Public service is my motto”?

Al Capone

76. What is Venice of the North?


77. Which US state has this motto: Freedom and Unity?


78. What is samizdat?

A system of clandestine printing and distribution of dissident or banned literature

79. Who won the Superbowl in 1987?

New York Giants

80. What did the Victorians call servant regulators?

Alarm Clocks

81. Shane Fenton became famous as who?

Alvin Stardust

82. Demeter was the Greek god of what (Ceres Roman)?


83. When is Independence Day in Armenia?

May 28

84. What country’s leader does not have an official residence?


Which writer coined the word Cyberspace in 1984?

William Gibson — Neuromancer

85. Drake’s Golden Hind was originally called what?

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86. What nationality is Thor Heyerdahl!?


87. On March 3, 1845, which US state became a state?


88. Who wrote the 39 steps (both names)?

John Buchan

89. A spender or drift is the name for a group of what animals?


90. Which country first used the fountain pen?


91. What is the world’s most popular green vegetable?


92. What is pleach?

form or weave into a braid or braids

93. What is the national sport in Afghanistan?

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94. What is Jingū-ji?

A religious complex in pre-Meiji Japan comprising a Buddhist temple and a local kami Shinto shrine

95. In what film did Elvis play a Red Indian?

Stay away Joe

96. Which eponymous character was Thane of Cawdor Glamis?


97. What blockade ended after 872 days, as Soviet forces finally forced the Germans to withdraw. Some 2 million died, mostly of starvation and disease?

The Siege of Leningrad

98. What is Androcide?

The systematic killing of men.

99. François Englert and Peter W. Higgs received The Nobel Prize in Physics in which year?


100. Which planet takes Venus even less time in Earth days to complete one revolution around the sun — 226 to be exact?


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